a..e d V SWEDISH NATIONAL HERITAGE BOARD RIKSANTIKVARIEÄMBETET Report from the Swedish National Heritage Board Flame retardants and wool – long term effects Evaluating fabrics for the ECOSOC curtain Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 2 Authors: Judith Bannerman, Margareta Bergstrand, Gunilla Lagnesjö and Kathrin Hinrichs Degerblad. Riksantikvarieämbetet 2014 Box 1114 SE-621 22 Visby www.raa.se registrator@raa.se Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 3 Index Summary ............................................................................................................................... 5 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 6 Justification for the study................................................................................................... 7 Objectives of the study ...................................................................................................... 8 Selection of treatments ...................................................................................................... 8 Experimental Work ............................................................................................................... 9 Fabric selection and preparation ........................................................................................ 9 Selection of flame retardants ............................................................................................. 9 Preparation and application of flame retardants ................................................................ 9 pH .................................................................................................................................... 10 Flammability test ............................................................................................................. 10 Dimensional stability and rigidity of fabrics after application of flame retardants .......... 11 Accelerated ageing........................................................................................................... 11 Tensile test ....................................................................................................................... 11 Sample preparation for tensile testing.............................................................................. 12 Test procedure and conditioning of samples for tensile testing ....................................... 12 Spectrophotometer ........................................................................................................... 12 Wet cleaning .................................................................................................................... 12 Other ................................................................................................................................ 12 Results ................................................................................................................................. 13 pH .................................................................................................................................... 13 Flammability test ............................................................................................................. 14 Dimensional stability ....................................................................................................... 14 Shrinkage and length and width changes ..................................................................... 15 Shrinkage after 10 years accelerated ageing and after wet-cleaning ............................ 16 Flexural rigidity ............................................................................................................... 17 Tensile tests ..................................................................................................................... 17 Diagrams ...................................................................................................................... 17 Spectrophotometer ........................................................................................................... 19 Diagrams ...................................................................................................................... 19 Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 4 Spectra.......................................................................................................................... 21 Wet-cleaning .................................................................................................................... 22 Discussion ........................................................................................................................... 23 Dimensional stability ....................................................................................................... 23 Drape ............................................................................................................................... 23 Flammability .................................................................................................................... 23 pH and chemical changes after accelerated light ageing ................................................. 24 Colour .............................................................................................................................. 25 The influence of flame retardants on the wet-fastness of dyes ........................................ 25 Tensile tests ..................................................................................................................... 26 Other observations ........................................................................................................... 26 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 29 References ........................................................................................................................... 30 Materials .............................................................................................................................. 31 Fabrics ............................................................................................................................. 31 Chemicals ........................................................................................................................ 31 Standards ............................................................................................................................. 32 Appendices .......................................................................................................................... 33 Appendix 1 Sample codes Appendix 2 Flame retardant 1 Apyrum Appendix 3 Flame retardant 2 Secura Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 5 Summary Currently the U.N. building complex in New York, built in 1952, is undergoing a massive renovation. The Swedish National Public Art Council and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs have decided on a donation of a contemporary work of textile art for the United Nations, to replace earlier works. Conservators from the Swedish National Heritage Board take part in the planning and now act as advisors on historical and artistic values of the Economic and Social Council Chamber ­ ECOSOC, as well as on the quality and long-term stability of the proposed new artwork. The New York City Fire Code as well as the Security department of the UN Capital Master Plan call for the new work of art to be fire safe. Modern textiles for interiors such as curtains or upholstery material are often treated with fire retardants but are usually not expected to last longer than ten years, but the Swedish National Public Art Council has asked for the new ECOSOC curtain to last for sixty years. The new curtain is going to be made entirely of wool. Since earlier studies at the Swedish National Heritage Board had proved that flame retardants in the long run can be harmful to cellulose material an evaluation of the effects of flame retardants on wool was needed. Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 6 Introduction Currently the U.N. building complex in New York, built in 1952, is undergoing a massive and much needed renovation. Conservators from the Swedish National Heritage Board and the Moderna Museet have evaluated the condition of the Swedish donations to the building. Those donations form a landmark in Sweden´s modernistic design. The Economic and Social Council Chamber - ECOSOC, designed by Sven Markelius, was furnished with an artwork by Marianne Richter. This very large woven curtain was destroyed by a combination of flame retardant treatment, sunlight and humid climate conditions (Finch, 1969). It was replaced by a velvet curtain with the print "Pythagoras", a pattern designed by Sven Markelius in 1952. The Swedish National Public Art Council and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs have decided on a donation of a contemporary work of art for the United Nations, to replace the lost curtains. Conservators from the Swedish National Heritage Board have taken part in the planning, acting as advisors on the historical and artistic values of the ECOSOC chamber, as well as on the material quality and long-term stability of the proposed new artwork, by Swedish artist Ann Edholm. Flame or fire retardants (FR) are in many ways damaging to textile material as well as to the environment and to human health, but have been deemed necessary in order to save lives and property from the outbreak of fire. Textiles are considered a risk in public buildings and laws and regulations for fire safety are becoming more demanding. It has for a long time been known that the original fire proofing treatment was a contributing factor to the damage of the first curtain in the ECOSOC. With the ongoing restoration of the United Nations building complex (2009–2013) conservators and scientists from the Swedish National Heritage Board Conservation Department have performed a closer study of the two earlier curtains from the ECOSOC as well as two other textile works of art. The New York City Fire Code as well as the Security department of the UN Capital Master Plan call for the new work of art to be firesafe. Modern textiles for Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 7 interiors such as curtains or upholstery material treated with fire retardants are usually not expected to last longer than ten years but the Swedish National Public Art Council has asked for the new ECOSOC curtain to last for sixty years. According to an earlier study from the Swedish National Heritage Board (Bergstrand, 2013) where four existing flame retardants were examined, flame retardants are harmful to cellulose textiles. Wool on the other hand appears to be in a better condition after flame retardant treatment. The study points to the complexity of the flame retardant issue. Flame retardant products vary widely and are applied to materials with very different properties. Many flame retardants are based on organic and inorganic salts that, in the long term, will make the material acidic. Cellulose fibres, cotton and linen, are very sensitive to acidity, which in some cases has caused severe degradation. Environmental factors such as light, humidity and temperature seem to accelerate the degradation process. Wool, a protein fibre, is not as sensitive to acidity as cotton. Although wool in itself has flame retardant properties, flame retardants are sometimes used for wool when extra security measures are deemed necessary. Since the new curtain is going to be made entirely of wool it would be useful to evaluate two commercial flame retardants for this material. One of these products may be used for the new U.N. curtain. Justification for the study The aim is to arrive at conclusions which will enable the Swedish National Heritage Board to evaluate which flame retardant can be used on the new curtain should the security regulations of the U.N. so demand. The life expectancy of the curtain, the mechanical strength of the material and the impact of light and flame retardants on the colours as well as the overall aesthetic impression, will be estimated. The conclusions will help in establishing a maintenance plan for the U.N. curtain. In the future the recommendations made in this study will be of value to those who commission works of art as well as to those who make the objects, the artists and craftspeople, and to those who take care of the objects in museums, the curators and conservators. However this investigation does not aim at explaining Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 8 why flame retardants influence wool in a harmful way. As mentioned above flame retardants vary widely and explaining all the effects of all their components calls for a broader study. Objectives of the study The objective of the study is to further explore the possible use of flame retardants for wool. The aim is to arrive at recommendations for the new ECOSOC curtain, should the U.N. Capital Master Plan arrive at the conclusion that the new curtain must be treated with a flame retardant. The study will compare two flame retardants and indicate which flame retardant will cause the least damage. The study will also explore the projected lifespan of the new curtain. The main objective is to ensure that the intentions of the artist and the aesthetic values of the textile work are not obscured by the effects of flame retardants. Selection of treatments In an earlier study performed at the Swedish National Heritage Board (Bergstrand, 2013) four flame retardants were chosen and applied to cotton. The results were disappointing as the cotton was severely damaged by the application of flame retardants. Based on this study a decision was made to use two of these flame retardants, Apyrum and Secura. In the study Apyrum had been found to be the least damaging to the cotton material. Secura was available on the Swedish market, while the two other prodcts from the earlier study no longer were available. Apyrum and Secura also represent two different types of flame retardants - organic salts (Apyrum) and ammonium phosphates (Secura). Because only two flame retardants were used the number of samples in this study was kept to a minimum. Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 9 Experimental Work Fabric selection and preparation Samples were obtained from HV Ateljé, the studio that was commissioned to make the curtain for the ECOSOC. Two fabrics that were chosen for the new U. N. curtain, one orange felted wool (UN 1) and one sand-coloured crêpe wool (UN 2). The orange felted wool was chosen from a range of colours offered by the firm Kvadrat but the sand-coloured fabric was dyed to order and reactive dyes were used. As a control reference a tabby weave wool (Wool adjacent as per ISO 105­ F01) was chosen. This fabric was not dyed. Selection of flame retardants Two flame retardants on the Swedish market in 2012 were chosen for experimental work. Apyrum R Bio-FF (FR1) is fairly new on the Swedish market. According to the marketing of the brand it is not harmful to the environment. The main components are “citrate and acetate” and it has a pH of 7–8 according to the product data sheet. See appendix 1. The other flame retardant used in this study was Secura Anti-Flame FRT (FR 2), which has a more traditional composition containing mainly “modified ammonium phosphate” according to available information on the product. According to the data sheet the product is not harmful to health or the environment and has a pH of 6.2. See appendix 2. Preparation and application of flame retardants Samples of the three fabrics were placed lying flat and sprayed with deionised water and 0.1% tenside Änglamark. Fintvättmedel från Coop, pH 6.5 to 7. After being thoroughly wetted the fabrics were dried lying flat in the washing table. Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 10 Drying time was less than 24 hours. This set of fabrics was used as a control and for comparable studies. A second set of the three fabrics was used and the two flame retardants were applied to the fabrics in a similar way. The fabrics were placed lying flat and sprayed with flame retardants according to the recommendations made by the suppliers. The samples treated with Apyrum (FR1) took a long time to dry and smelled strongly of vinegar. The Secura (FR 2) treated samples dried in less time. It was observed that on the surface of the fabric was the remnance of what seemed to be salt crystals. All samples treated with flame retardants had an oily unpleasant feel. pH pH was measured using a Horiba B212 Twin pH meter before and after treatment with flame retardants after accelerated ageing and after wet-cleaning. Flammability test A flammability test to make sure that the flame retardants were applied correctly according to the manufacturers recommendations was made, using small samples approximately the size of 140 mm x 26 mm. The samples were tested hanging vertically and subjected to a gas burner using propane (C3H8) gas for 60 seconds. After the flame from the gas burner was extinguished observations were made to see if the sample kept burning or forming coal. The test was modelled after SIS 65 00 82. Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 11 Dimensional stability and rigidity of fabrics after application of flame retardants The samples were observed and evaluated by several colleagues at the Swedish National Heritage Board but no formal Flexural rigidity test according to the standard was performed. Accelerated ageing One series of samples was subjected to accelerated ageing for 10 years and another series for 60 years. After accelerated ageing 10 years a series of samples was wet­ cleaned in deionised water and a neutral wetting agent (see details under Wet­ cleaning). The accelerated ageing was performed using light ageing with a 430 watt Sol500 lamp from Hönle UV technology with a metal halide light bulb with radiation efficiency in the ultraviolet and visible range (295–780 nm). The samples were placed flat on a table. The ageing period was set to 4 days which corresponds to 10.6 years with 100 lux 8 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year (museum exposure) and to 21 days, which corresponds to 61.2 years with 100 lux 8 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year (museum exposure). Lux levels and UVA levels were measured once a week whilst RH and temperature were measured once a week using 22 measuring points and the samples were rotated once a week to create even exposure. The samples were exposed to an average of 30 700 lux and 13 W/ m2 per 24 hours at 21–25°C and 45% - 50% RH. Tensile test Breaking strength and elongation at break of fabrics were determined in principle according to SS-EN ISO 13934-2 using a Shimadzu AutoGraph AGS-X tensile tester. Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 12 Sample preparation for tensile testing The sample specimens were prepared according to the Swedish standard SS-EN ISO 13934-1. The specimens were cut to a size of 140 mm x 35 mm and frayed leaving 5 mm on either side of the sample. The gauge length was 100 mm. Test procedure and conditioning of samples for tensile testing RH should be kept to an average 60% (± 2.1%) and the temperature to an average 23 °C (±1 °C) during the tensile testing differing from the standard atmosphere of the Swedish Standard SS-EN ISO 139:2005. The specimens were pre-conditioned according to the SS-EN ISO 139:2005. See also sample preparation regarding the size of the specimens. The samples were tested only in the warp direction. Spectrophotometer Colour measurements were carried out using a Konica-Minolta CM-2600d spectrophotometer with an 8mm aperture mask before and after treatments with flame retardants and before and after accelerated ageing (10 and 60 years). Wet cleaning Samples from the 10 years accelerated ageing session were wet cleaned after the ageing using deionised water and 0.1% tenside Änglamark. Fintvättmedel från Coop, pH 6.5 to 7. Any colour change during the wet-cleaning was observed and recorded by Spectrophotometer. After drying the size of the samples were measured. Other Samples of the treated and not treated fabrics were exposed to natural daylight for one year from August 28 2012 to August 27 2013. The samples were mounted with metal staples on Coroplast® sheet and placed in a window facing north at the Swedish National Heritage Board in Visby. Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 13 Results pH The pH values of the treated fabrics before and after treatment as well as before and after accelerated ageing are shown in table 3. The pH of the control test weave after wetting in water was 6.30. Table 1. pH measurements Mean of five measurements. Fabrics Not treated FR 1 FR 2 Fabrics aged 10 years Not treated FR1 FR 2 Fabrics aged 10 years, wet­ cleaned Not treated FR 1 FR 2 Fabrics aged 60 years Not treated FR 1 FR 2 5.80 8.98 4.46 3.88 9.02 4.46 3.92 7.30 4.00 6.48 8.26 4.66 4.12 8.60 4.20 3.90 7.54 4.00 6.24 8.74 4.96 3.80 8.34 5.06 3.90 7.50 4.92 TW Test Weave 6.52 8.40 5.38 UN 1 Orange 4.16 7.58 6.00 UN 2 Beige 3.88 7.38 5.80 Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 14 Flammability test The flammability test performed at the Swedish National Heritage showed no significant difference in the flammability of the treated fabrics and the not treated wool fabrics. The untreated orange fabric UN1 showed a better resistance to flammability than samples of the fabric treated with flame retardants FR1 and FR2. Figure 1. The untreated orange fabric UN1 (specimens in the middle) showed a better resistance to flammability than samples of the fabric treated with flame retardants Apyrum (FR1) to the right and Secura (FR2) to the left. Note the spots of moisture from Apyrum (FR 1). Photo Margareta Bergstrand. Dimensional stability Dimensional measurements were taken in warp and weft directions after application of the flame retardants and after the samples had dried. An increase in weight was observed in all the treated samples. Shrinkage after flame retardant treatment was also observed. See tables 2 to 3. Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 15 Table 2. Weight increase. A single prepared sample (with or without frayed edges) was weighed before and after the flame retardant application. Measurements in grams. Before FR treatment UN 1 UN 1 2.31 frayed edges 3.37 not frayed + FR1 3.99 frayed (+1.68 g) 73% + FR2 ­ 3.45 not frayed (+ 0.8 ) 23% UN 2 UN 2 2.29 frayed 2.82 not frayed 2.8 g frayed (+ 0.55 ) 24% 3.46 not frayed (+ 0.64 ) 23% ­ 3.08 g not frayed (+0.26 ) 9% TW Test weave TW Test weave 0.58 frayed 0.75 not frayed 1.01 frayed (+ 0.43 ) 74% 1.20 not frayed (+ 0.45 ) 60% ­ 0.82 g not frayed (+ 0.07 ) 9% Shrinkage and length and width changes After application of water; The orange felted fabric (UN1): shrinkage 7% in the warp direction and 2% in the weft direction. The sand-coloured crêpe fabric (UN2): shrinkage 3% in the warp direction and 2% in the weft direction. Control Test weave (TW): A minimum shrinkage in the warp direction of 0.2% and 1% increase in the weft direction. After application of flame retardants; Flame retardant Apyrum (FR1), pH 7, applied to UN1 orange fabric made the fabric increase by 2% in the warp direction. No increase or shrinkage in the weft direction was observed. UN 2 beige fabric increased by 3% in the warp direction and did not increase or Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 16 shrink in the weft direction. The control test weave did not change in the warp direction but increased by 1% in the weft direction. Flame retardant Secura (FR2), pH 7 applied to UN1 orange felted fabric made the fabric increase by 2% in the warp direction and shrink by 0.3% in the weft direction. UN 2 sand-coloured crepe shrunk in both the warp and weft directions by 2%. The control test weave did not change in the warp direction but shrunk by 0.7% in the weft direction. Shrinkage after 10 years accelerated ageing and after wet­ cleaning Shrinkage after 10 years accelerated ageing and after wet-cleaning was measured. After wet - cleaning the shrinkage in the warp direction of the fabrics was most significant in the fabrics treated with flame retardants. Table 3. Shrinkage after 10 years accelerated ageing and after wet-cleaning. Measurements in cm. Mean of 5 measurements. Test Weave Fabrics aged 10 years Not treated FR1 FR 2 Fabrics aged 10 years, wet-cleaned Not treated FR 1 FR 2 14.16 -0.28% 13.80 -3.77% 14.00 -2.10% 13.38 -4.43% 12.82 -7.77% 13.16 -7.84% 14.00 -0.71% 14.20 14.34 14.30 14.00 13.90 14.28 14.10 14.18 14.04 UN 1 UN 2 13.50 -4.80% 13.60 -3.13% Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 17 Flexural rigidity The fabrics treated with flame retardants became very stiff after application of the flame retardants and remained so even after accelerated ageing for 10 and 60 years. This was a general subjective evaluation made by several colleagues at the Conservation Department but the samples were not subjected to a standardized flexural rigidity test. Tensile tests Tensile tests show that elongation at break is altered more after accelerated ageing in the specimens treated with flame retardants than in specimens not treated with flame retardants. In all, samples treated with flame retardants aged 10 year and wet-cleaned showed the most significant difference from the not treated not aged samples. Diagrams Comparison of tensile tests after no treatment, FR treatment, FR treatment aged 10 years and aged 60 years. FR treated fabric aged 10 years and wet-cleaned is also measured. Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 18 Force(N) 500 UN Curtain Aug 2012 Diagrams 1-3 showing changes in tensile strength of the test weave after application of water, flame retardants 450 400 NTTW 3 NTTWW 2 350 1 and 2 and after artificial ageing, 10 and 60 years, and after wet-cleaning. Diagram 1, above left: Not treated. Diagram 2, below left: Apyrum FR1 NTTWWA10 4 NTTWWA10W4 NTTWWA60 4 300 250 Diagram 3, below right: Secura FR2 200 150 100 50 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Stroke(mm) 60 70 80 90 100 Force(N) 500 UN Curtain Aug 2012 Force(N) 500 UN Curtain Aug 2012 450 450 400 400 350 350 NTTW 3 TWFR1A10 4 300 NTTW 3 TWFR2 1 300 TWFR1A60 1 TWFR1 2 TWFR1A10W4 TWFR2A602 TWFR2A10 2 TWFR2A10W3 250 250 200 200 150 150 100 100 50 50 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Stroke(mm) 60 70 80 90 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Stroke(mm) 60 70 80 90 100 Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 19 Spectrophotometer Colour changes of the treated fabrics directly after application, before and after accelerated ageing were measured and recorded. The 10 year aged samples were measured before and after wet-cleaning as well. Diagrams dE*values over or below 1 indicate a colour change visible to the human eye. 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 NTTWWA10W TWFR1 TWFR2 NTTWWA10 TWFR1A10W TWFR2A10W NT TWWA60 TWFR1A10 TWFR2A10 TWFR1A60 TWFR2A60 TWFR1NA upper TWFR1NA lower Diagram 4. Test weave dE*ab(D65) mean of 5 measurements. TWFR2NA NTTWW NTTNA 10 12 14 16 18 10 12 14 16 18 0 0 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 UN2NTW UN1NTW UN1FR1 UN1FR2 UN2FR1 UN2FR2 UN2NTWA10 UN1NTWA10 UN1FR1A10 UN1FR2A10 UN2FR1A10 UN2FR2A10 UN2NTWA10W UN2FR1A10W UN2FR2A10W UN1NTTWA10W UN1FR1A10W UN1FR2A10W UN2NTWA60 UN2FR1A60 UN2FR2A60 UN1NTWA60 UN1FR1A60 UN1FR2A60 Diagram 5. UN1 orange fabric dE*ab(D65) mean of 5 measurements. Diagram 6. UN2 sand-coloured dE*ab(D65) mean of 5 measurements. UN2NTNA UN2FR1NA UN2FR2NA UN1NTNA UN1FR1NA UN1FR2NA Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 20 Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 21 Spectra These spectra show colour change of the sand-coloured fabric UN2. 100 80 Reflectance (%) 60 40 20 0 360nm 390nm 420nm 450nm 480nm 510nm 540nm 570nm 600nm 630nm 660nm 690nm 720nm Target3 UN2 NT SCI UN2NTWA10-3 SCI UN2FR1A10-3 SCI UN2FR2A10-3 SCI Wave lengths Spectra 1. UN2 artificially aged 10 years 100 Reflectance (%) 80 60 40 20 0 360nm 390nm 420nm 450nm 480nm 510nm 540nm 570nm 600nm 630nm 660nm 690nm 720nm Target3 UN2 NT SCI UN2NTWA60 3 SCI UN2FR1A60 3 SCI UN2FR2A60 3 SCI Wave lengths Spectra 2. UN2 artificially aged 60 years 100 80 Reflectance (%) 60 40 20 0 360nm 390nm 420nm 450nm 480nm 510nm 540nm 570nm 600nm 630nm 660nm 690nm 720nm Target3 UN2 NT SCI UN2NTNA 3 SCI UN2FR1NA 3 SCI UN2FR2NA 3 SCI Wave lengths Spectra 3. UN2 naturally aged 1 year Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 22 Wet-cleaning When wet-cleaning UN1 orange fabric samples aged 10 years and treated with flame retardants Apyrum (FR1) and Secura (FR2) a dye component visibly leaked into the water. The sample treated with Secura (FR2) emitted a strong smell of sulphur as observed by Judith Bannerman who performed the wet-cleaning in July/August 2012. Shrinkage was observed as described above. Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 23 Discussion Dimensional stability Water made all the investigated fabrics shrink to varying degrees. Contrary to this, flame retardants, although they contain a rather high amount of water, did not make the fabrics shrink but made them stretch in the warp direction with a small increase in the weft direction in some cases. Doreen Rockliff and Nancy Kerr, (Rockliff, Kerr, 1984) made the same observation when investigating three flame retardants in the 1980s. They suggest that changes in dimension of the fabric are caused by the wetting action of the water. The presence of the fire retardant agents in solution appears to reduce the shrinkage caused by water. Drape The fabrics treated with flame retardants became very stiff. They remained so even after washing and after exposure to daylight. This altered the appearance as well as the drape of the fabric and may make the curtain difficult to handle, for example, when pulling it to and fro in front of the window. The oily feel of the treated fabrics also remained. Flammability The small scale flammability test performed at the Swedish National Heritage Board showed no significant difference in the flammability between the treated fabrics and the untreated wool fabrics. Samples of the orange fabric UN1 even showed a better resistance to fire than samples of the same fabric treated with Apyrum and Secura. In a thesis from Luleå tekniska universitet (Luleå University of Technology) Marcus Lagerkvist (Lagerkvist, 2010) investigated the properties of four flame retardant treatments among them were Apyrum and Secura. Apyrum does not Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 24 provide the resistance to fire expected from a flame retardant treatment while Secura on the other hand provides better resistance to ignition in Lagerkvist’s study. It is interesting that although his study was on upholstery fabrics his findings correspond to the experiments performed at the Swedish National Heritage Board. However in our experiments neither Apyrum nor Secura applied to wool performed better than untreated wool fabrics. In 2012 a full scale model of the curtain (7 x 1.40 m), made at HV Ateljé out of the two wool fabrics intended for the ECOSOC curtain and not treated with any flame retardant, was tested at the Southwest Research Institute, SwRI, San Antonio, Texas, USA according to ASTM E 84 – 12, Standard test method for surface burning characteristics of building material. According to the evaluation of the test report from SwRI made by Per Thureson, Deputy Head of Section, SP Fire Technology at SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, the wool fabrics fulfil the requirements of class B according to the 1968 Building Code of the city of New York. This strengthens the assumption that wool in general does not need flame retardants to add to its flame retardant properties. pH and chemical changes after accelerated light ageing According to the aforementioned study from the Swedish National Heritage Board, analysis showed that Apyrum (FR1) contains potassium and not only "citrate, acetate and water" as was stated in the product data sheet. Potassium content may explain the relatively high pH values of the solution. However the pH does not sink to a more acidic level after accelerated ageing. A pH level as high as 9 may damage wool fibres. The fabrics treated with Secura (FR2) and aged for 10 and 60 years became more acidic over time. Acidity may in the long run damage the fabric even if wool is more resistant to acidity than cotton and linen. Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 25 All the untreated fabrics show a slight change in pH to a more acidic level after accelerated ageing, 60 years more than 10 years. See also table 3. Colour Colour changes, even very small changes, on a textile work of art may affect the aesthetical appearance of the art work and alter the intended impact of the art work on the observer. The application of Apyrum (FR1) visibly changed the sand­ coloured fabric UN2 from a beige or very light brown colour to a greenish hue. On the other hand the colour of the not treated fabric faded and became lighter after exposure to light but did not visibly change the colour tone as much as the fabrics treated with FR1 or FR 2. Both flame retardants turned the bright orange colour of fabric UN1 to a more dull orange hue. These colour changes could be visibly observed in the fabrics that were accelerated aged for 10 and 60 years as well as in those subjected to daylight for one year. The samples treated with flame retardants which had been exposed to daylight for one year, mounted in vertical position, showed significant visible colour changes as seen in the diagrams of spectrophotometer measurements. However this is not as visibly evident as the spectrophotometer measurements show. The influence of flame retardants on the wet-fastness of dyes The leaking of the dye when wet-cleaning the samples may be a reaction to the lowered pH of the fabric but is more likely due to the influence of the flame retardant on the reactive dye. Similar leaking was observed when wet-cleaning a piece of velvet from a curtain that had been hanging in the ECOSOC in the UN headquarters in New York. (See introduction). Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 26 Tensile tests A previous study on the tensile strength of naturally aged textiles (Bergstrand, 2013) showed that flame retardant treatment will weaken cellulose fibres. This was easily proved by looking at the breaking strength results from the tensile tests. Protein fibres differ from cellulose fibres and evaluating tensile tests with wool is more complicated than cellulose fibres. By looking at only the breaking strength it may in some cases seem that flame retardants make the material stronger. However elongation at break results may point in another direction. There are indications that for wool, per cent elongation is a more sensitive indicator of change. (See for example Peacock 1999) The tensile tests in this study all show significant changes in elongation at break, especially in the samples treated with flame retardants, aged 10 years and wet-cleaned. Other observations It was observed that in some cases dark spots formed around the staples on the samples that were mounted with metal staples on Coroplast® sheet. In one case, the sample treated with Secura (FR1), the staple corroded after a very short time (see figure 2). Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 27 Figure 2. Samples exposed for one year placed vertically in window facing north. Effects of Secura (FR2) on test weave (to the left), orange fabric (1) and sand­ coloured fabric (2). Salt migration can be seen in the lower part on test weave and fabric 2 (to the right). To the far left; brown discoloration on test weave sample treated with Apyrum (F1). Photo Margareta Bergstrand. Ammonium salts, especially ammonium chloride, corrodes metals. This causes spots on textiles but may also be a threat to curtains that are often mounted with metal devices. In addition, the sand-coloured fabric (UN1) and the control weave (TW) treated with Secura (FR2) showed signs of so called salt migration (see figure 2). Salt migration has been observed in textiles treated with flame retardants, but has often been deemed the result of flooding or water damage. The salt migration often appears in the lower parts of hanging textiles. It is possible that it is caused by the humidity in air which even under relatively normal indoor climate conditions may release the salts in the flame retardants thus forming spots and colour changes. Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 28 The salt crystals on the surface of fabrics treated with Secura (FR2) remained after accelerated ageing 10 and 60 years and were not entirely removed in the wet­ cleaning process. It is possible that the salt crystals would wear off from the surface under normal indoor use, influence of air currents from ventilation and from handling the textile, but these samples have been kept in protective plastic cases. However many fire retardants do emit from the surface that is why many manufacturers recommend that the treatment is repeated after a couple of years. Inauguration of the ECOSOC chamber in April 22, 2013. Photo: Margareta Bergstrand. Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 29 Conclusions The two tested flame retardants Apyrum and Secura both show shortcomings from a conservation perspective as well as from an aesthetical view. Neither do they add much to the flame resistant properties of the wool fabrics. Apyrum (FR1) showed least damage when looking at tensile strength. On the other hand it caused a significant and unacceptable change in colour to the sand-coloured fabric UN2. It also added weight and made the fabrics quite stiff altering the drape. Secura (FR2) altered the drape and handle of the two fabrics as well as changing the colour. Secura caused corrosion on metal and the treated fabrics also showed signs of salt migration. The two flame retardants caused changes in pH values as discussed above. Considering that the curtain will be installed in an indoor climate that may, at times be warm and humid, as found in the ECOSOC, these shortcomings may be accelerated. Shrinkage and colour running as well as loss of fibre strength when wet-cleaning make cleaning and remedial conservation a challenge. The Swedish National Art Council has asked for the curtain to be in good condition for at least 60 years but as a result of the study performed at the Swedish National Heritage Board, it appears that neither Apyrum nor Secura, or any other flame retardants containing the same chemicals (that is phosphate, acetate or other organic and inorganic salts), can be considered for the new textile work of art for the ECOSOC as they will reduce hanging life significantly. Furthermore the evaluation of the flammability test performed at Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) by SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden adds to the recommendations of the Swedish National Board, that no flame retardant will be required for the new curtain installed in the ECOSOC. Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 30 References Bergstrand, M. 2010. United Nations – uniting professions? Restoring the U.N. Building. Multidisciplinary Conservation: A Holistic View for Historic Interiors, ICOM-CC Interim Meeting, Rome 2010. http://www.icom­ cc.org/54/document/united-nations-uniting-professions-restoring-the-u-n­ building/?id=809 (2014-02-05) Bergstrand, M., Hinrichs Degerblad, K., Thuresson, K. & Winther, T. 2011. Fire! A twofold risk for textile Art. An investigation into the consequences of flame retardant treatments. ICOM Committee for Conservation: 16th triennial conference, Lisbon 19-23 September 2011: Preprints. Lisbon. Bergstrand, M. 2013. Hållbar textilkonst? Flamskyddsmedlens konsekvenser för textilier i offentlig miljö. Unpublished manuscript. Swedish National Heritage Board, Stockholm. Finch, K. 1969. Note on the damaging effect of flameproofing on a tapestry hanging. Studies in Conservation, 14:132. Lagerkvist, M. 2010. Textila flamskyddsmedel – effekter vid antändning och brandbelastning. Examensarbete, Civilingenjörsprogrammet, Luleå tekniska universitet. 2010:083. http://epubl.ltu.se/1402-1617/2010/083/index.html (2014­ 02-05). Peacock, E. 1999. A note on the effect of multiple freeze-thaw treatment of natural fibre fabrics. Studies in Conservation, 44:12-18. Rockliff, D. & Kerr N. 1984. Fiber retardant finishes for fiber art: a conservation perspective. Preliminary findings. ICOM Committee for Conservation: 7th Triennial Meeting, Copenhagen 10-14 September 1984: Preprints. Paris. 84.9.46 – 84.9.50. Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 31 Materials Fabrics Orange felted wool fabric “Divina 3” 4-end broken twill from Kvadrat A/S Sand-coloured crêpe wool fabric “Topas 2” crêpe binding from Kvadrat A/S. Dyed to order at Kvadrat. Test weave Wool Adjacent Fabric as per ISO 105-F01 (Warp 22 tr/cm Z-sp, weft18 tr/cm Z­ sp) from Testfabrics Inc. represented in Sweden by Cromocol AB. Chemicals Apyrum From Deflamo AB, Sollentuna See also Product data sheet appendix nr X Secura From Svensk flamskyddsteknik, Västerås See also Product data sheet appendix nr X Wetting agent and surfactant Änglamark, fintvättmedel from Coop. Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 32 Standards Svensk standard SS-En ISO 6940:2004 Textile fabrics – Burning behaviour – Determination of ease of ignition of vertically oriented specimens (ISO 6940:2004). Svensk standard SS-EN ISO 139:2005/A1:2011 Textiles – Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing – Amendment 1 (ISO 139:2005/AMD 1:2011). Svensk standard SS-EN ISO 13934-2 Textiles – Tensile properties of fabrics – Part 2: Determination of maximum force using the grab method (ISO 1 3934-2:1999). Flame retardants and wool – long term effects 33 Appendices Appendix 1. Sample codes Samples Test weave ISO wool Adjacent Fabric Not Treated Test Weave1-5 Not Treated Test Weave Wet Not Treated Test Weave Wet Aged 10 years Not Treated Wool Test Weave Wet Aged 10 years Washed Test Weave treated with Flame Retardant 1 Test Weave FR1 Test Weave FR1Aged 10 years Test Weave FR1Aged 10 years Washed Test Weave FR1Aged 60 years Test Weave treated with Flame Retardant 2 Test Weave FR2 Test Weave FR2Aged 10 years Test Weave FR2Aged 10 years Washed Test Weave FR2Aged 60 years Orange felted wool UN1 Not Treated UN1 Not Treated Wet UN1 Not Treated Wet Aged 10 years UN1 Not Treated Wet Aged 10 years Washed UN 1 fabric treated with Flame Retardant 1 UN1 FR1 UN1 FR1Aged 10 years UN1 FR1Aged 10 years Washed UN1 FR1Aged 60 years UN 1 fabric treated with Flame Retardant 2 UN1 FR2 UN1 FR2Aged 10 years UN1 FR2Aged 10 years Washed UN1 FR2Aged 60 years Sand-coloured fabric UN2 Not Treated UN2 Not Treated Wet UN2 Not Treated Wet Aged 10 years UN2 Not Treated Wet Aged 10 years Washed UN2 fabric treated with Flame Retardant 1 UN2FR1 UN2FR1Aged 10 years UN2FR1Aged 10 years Washed UN2FR1Aged 60 years UN2 fabric treated with Flame Retardant 2 UN2FR2 UN2FR2 Aged 10 years UN2FR2 Aged 10 years Washed UN2FR2 Aged 60 years Sample code NTTW 1-5 NTTWW 1-5 NTTWWA10 1-5 NTTWWA10W 1-5 TWFR1 1-5 TWFR1A10 1-5 TWFR1A10W 1-5 TWFR1A60 1-5 TWFR2 1-5 TWFR2A10 1-5 TWFR2A10W 1­ TWFR2A60 1-5 UN1NT 1-5 UN1NTW 1-5 UN1NTWA10 1-5 UN1NTWA10W 1-5 UN1FR1 1-5 UN1FR1A10 1-5 UN1FR1A10W 1-5 UN1FR1A60 1-5 UN1FR2 1-5 UN1FR2A10 1-5 UN1FR2A10W 1-5 UN1FR2A60 1-5 UN2NT 1-5 UN2NTW 1-5 UN2NTWA10 1-5 UN2NTWA10W 1-5 UN2FR1 1-5 UN2FR1A10 1-5 UN2FR1A10W 1-5 UN2FR1A60 1-5 UN2FR2 1-5 UN2FR2A10 1-5 UN2FR2A10W 1-5 UN2FR2A60 1-5 Appendix 2 Produktblad Apyrum®Bio-FR Detta är ett produktblad för Apyrum®Bio-FR med information kring produkten, dess egenskaper, användningsområden och handhavande. PRODUKTBESKRIVNING Apyrum®Bio-FR är ett vattenbaserat flamskyddsmedel klassificerat som harmlöst och därmed ofarligt för miljö och hälsa. Apyrum®Bio-FR är lätt att använda och ger ett flamskydd åt fiberösa material såsom trä, papper och textilier. Resultatet är ett material som är mer svårantändligt och vars tillförda egenskaper fördröjer ett brandförlopp. DEFLAMO AB har utvecklat ett antal olika produkter i Apyrum®Bio-FR-serien och produktvalet beror på användningsområden. Flera faktorer som påverkar valet av Apyrum®Bio-FR är följande: Viktiga faktor som påverkar valet av Apyrum®Bio-FR Uppsugningsförmåga av materialet Tidsåtgången för impregnering Komfortfaktor Penetrationsegenskaper Beståndsdelar av materialet Brandegenskaper Brandskydds krav Närheten till brandkällor ANVÄNDARINSTRUKTIONER Apyrum®Bio-FR är en färdig brukslösning som ej skall spädas före användning. För full effekt mot brand, måste Apyrum®Bio-FR tränga in i materialet och därefter torka. Detta tar olika lång tid och kräver olika teknik beroende på materialets beskaffenhet. Olika applicerings­ metoder bör testas och resultaten jämföras. Förberedelse För bästa effekt måste materialet som ska be­ handlas vara rent och torrt. Material som är må­ lade, skyddade mot väta eller har hög densitet kan ej flamskyddas med Apyrum®Bio-FR. Nya tyger ska alltid tvättas minst en gång före behandling för att avlägsna fabriks- och leve­ ransimpregneringsmedel. Dessa kan vara mycket brandfarliga och kan omöjliggöra flam­ skyddsbeha ndl i ng. Impregneringsförfarande För att kunna säkerställa en Jamn kvalitet av flamskydd i slutprodukten, måste alltid impreg­ nering med Apyrum®Bio- FR utföras på ett kontrollerat och reproducerbart sätt. Spraya På mycket sugande material sprayas ett tunt lager. Tjockare och mer brännbara material kan behöva mer Apyrum®Bio-FR. Spraya på arm­ längds avstånd (ca 30-40cm). Spraya rikligt, men aldrig mer än vad materialet klarar av att suga åt sig. Testa på en mindre bit av materialet först, som även torkas och brandprovas, för att klargöra behovet. Doppa Måttligt sugande material kan doppbehandlas för att uppnå en mycket god flamskyddsbehandling. Tidsåtgången för doppning varierar med materi­ alets uppsugningsförmåga. Testa på en mindre bit av materialet först, som även torkas och brandprovas, för att uppskatta en lämplig dopp­ ningstid. Måla Måttligt sugande material kan även målas med Apyrum®Bio-FR. Antalet strykningar varierar med materialets uppsugningsförmåga. Testa på en mindre bit av materialet först, som även torkas och brandprovas, för att uppskatta en lämplig exponeringstid. Se även avsnittet "Brandprovning/Brandkrav" Observera: Om ett material behandlas med för mycket Apyrum®Bio-FR som ej avlägsnas, kan det kännas stelt och ytan upplevas som fet eller fuktig. Överflödigt Apyrum®Bio-FR torkas bort med ren, torr trasa efter att materialet sugit upp vad det klarar av. Tänk på att... • Klargöra att Apyrum®Bio-FR trängt in i materialet innan ett eventuellt överflöd torkas bort. Penetrationen tar olika lång tid beroende på materialets egenskaper. • Apyrum®Bio-FR är vattenlöslig . Flamskyddet går därför inte längre att säkerställa i ett material som efter behandling utsatts för någon form av väta. En ny behandling kan vara nödvändig! Torkning/Torktid Apyrum®Bio-FRs funktionalitet som flamskyddsmedel förutsätter en fullständig torkning efter behandling. Torktiden varierar med temperatur-, luftfuktighets- och ventilationsförutsättningar. Låt materialet torka ordentligt efter impregneringen! Ett indikerande brandprov kan dock vara att hänga ett stycke av materialet över en öppen låga, t.ex tändare eller gaslåga under ca 10-12 sekunder. Tag sedan bort eldslågan. Preliminära indikationer till ett gott flamskydd: om materialet inte antänder alls eller om lågan genast slocknar utan efterglöd efter det att den tillförda eldslågan tagits bort. I de fall nivån av brandskydd regleras i standarder, hänvisar DEFLAMO till gällande regelverk för respektive material och miljö. Material som behandlats med Apyrum®Bio-FR har testats och i många sammanhang har ställda brandkrav uppnåtts. Men som en orsak av stor variation mellan olika materials egenskaper i allmänhet (brandtekniska egenskaper i synnerhet), kan dock ingen garanti ges på att efterfrågat brandskydd uppnås. För att säkerställa att önskade brandskyddsegenskaper uppnås måste alltid individuella brandprov genomföras! (För mer information om krav på brandskydd, kontakta lokala brandskyddsmyndigheter. Efterbehandling Efter behandling med Apyrum ®Bio-FR kan materialet övermålas, limmas eller på annat sätt täckas. Observera: • Överflödig Apyrum®Bio-FR skall avlägsnas för bästa vidhäftningsförmåga. • Det finns ingen garanti för att alla former av efterbehandling är möjlig. Den specifika applikationen bör testas noggrant, gärna i samråd med DEFLAMO. Efterbehandling kan påverka flamskyddsegenskaperna! Utför därför alltid antändningsprov efter efterbehandling! Rengöring av Utrustning Verktyg rengörs med vatten. ~-·· Observera: Materialet bör ej tillåtas att "övertorka". Förbrukning Åtgången av flamskyddsmedel bestäms dels av materialets uppsugningsförmåga (ytegenskaper) och dels av materialets vikt och brännbarhet. Ju mer lättantändligt ett material är, desto mer Apyrum®Bio-FR kan krävas för att uppnå ett fullgott flamskydd. Brandprovning/Brandkrav För att säkerställa ett fullgott flamskydd bör antändningsprov i laboratoriemiljö genomföras, eftersom olika material har varierande egenskaper avseende deras uppsugningsförmåga och brännbarhet. "t\.~~- ..- " - FAKTÅRUTA . -".,l"- ....~ , , - · , . . , . . , ~ ~ ~ , ~ : - - - - r ~ · - = - . . , - : -....._...~_.,,... . . - -' ·;, •, . ' . . ·. . .. ' ~ .._ . I nnehåll: Vatten, citrat, acetat. Lagring: Lagras inomhus i väl försluten förpackning vid normal rumstemperatur. Kvalite och funktion garanteras t ill 12 månader från tillverkning i obruten förpackning. Förpackningar: 1-liter, 5-liter, 15-liter, Kontakta återförsäljare eller DEFLAMO för större förpackningar. Tillverkas av: Eurenco Bofors AB. Certifieringar: ISO 9001. Fysikaliskt tillstånd: Vätska, vattenlösning. Färg: Klar, ofärgad. pH: 7-8. Lukt: Förnimbar ättiksyra, avtar vid torkning. Densitet: 1,3 - 1,4 g/ml. Viskositet: Något högre än vatten. Förtunning: Förtunnas ej, färdig brukslösning. Samtliga uppgifter i detta produktblad är riktvärden hämtade från Apyrum®:s säkerhetsdatablad, DEFLAMO AB:s provningar, samlade kunskaper och erfarenheter av produkten. Uppgifterna får ej användas som underlag eller verifikat för andra provningar eller system. DEFLAMO AB tar ej ansvar för Apyrum®:s vidare användningsmöjligheter eller felaktiga handhavande. Senaste utgåvan av detta produktblad halls tillgängligt på DEFLAMO AB:s hemsida: www.deflamo.se Ver . 2.0 DEF Provlding Innovative Envlrorvnen tally Frlendly Flame Retardant Technology MO DEFLAMO AB (publ) Box 2009 SE- 191 02 SOLLENTUNA Sweden Vislting address: Sollentunavägen 63 SE-191 40 SOLLENTUNA Sweden Registered Office: SOLLENTUNA Org. No: 556648-6204 Phone +46(0)8 631 91 80 Fax +46(0)8 501 09 548 E- Mall info@deflamo.se Web www.deflamo.se Appendix 3 SÄKERHETSDATABLAD ( SDB) Vers1ondatum 2006-03-0] Artikel nummer I Ersätter tict1gare version FRT J:20041101 Hanctelsnamn I Denna version FRT 2:20060301 I Sida 1(6) SCFRT SecuraAnti-Flame FRT j 1. Namnet på produkten och företaget Produkt namn Secura Anti-Flame FRT Adressupgifter Svensk Flamskyddsteknik AB, Fågelbacken, 725 95 Västerås Utfördat av Miljö & kvalitet i Västerås Telefon +46 021-147273, I nödsituation - på icke arbetstid - ring: SOS alarm 112 Fax +46 021-305701 Kemisk beskrivning I användning Flamskydd av absorberande natur material t.ex. papper, textil mm Detta SDB gäller för följande artiklar: Secura FRT 25 j 50 Registrerat vanunärke för Svensk Flamskyddsteknik AB 2. Sammansättning I uppgifter om beståndsdelar CAS-nr EG-nr 7722-76-1 7732-18-5 Benämning Modifierad ammoniumphosphate Ytaktiv vattenemulsion Halt% Symbol R-Fraser 10-30% EM EM <100% EM EM 2317645 2317912 Produkttyp Produkten är en modifierad beredning av halogenfri gasformig oorganisk - organisk kväve samt emulsion av olika fosforbaserade råvaror. Ämnen med farliga egenskaper i beredning Innehåller inga ämnen som ger produkten hälso,- miljö eller brandfarliga egenskaper. Övrig information För R-fraser och Symboler i klartext, se avsnitt 16 13, Farliga egenskaper· Klassificering: Ej hälsofarlig produkt Andra egenskaper I symptom Produkten är bedömd som ej miljöfarlig Risk för brand och explosion Ej brand eller explosionfarlig produkt Svensk Flamskyddsteknik Fågelbacken 725 95 Västerås 021-147273 fax 021-305701 www.flamskydd.com SDB Secura FRW SÄKERHETSDATABLAD Versiondatum 2006-03-01 Artikel nummer I Ersätter t1d1gare version FRT 1:20041101 Hanctelsnamn I ( SDB) Denna version FRT 2:20060301 I Sida 2(6) SCFRT SecuraAnti-Flame FRT j 4. Första hjälpen INANDNING: Frisk luft. STÄNK I ÖGON: Skölj rikligt med ljummet vatten t.ex. från dricksglas. HUDKONTAKT: Tag av nedsmutsade kläder, tvätta huden med tvål och vatten. VID FÖRTÄRING:Skölj munnen och ge vatten rikligt för att dricka ( om den skadade är vid fullt medvetande) Framkalla ej kräkning Allmän information: Vid minsta osäkerhet eller om besvär kvarstår, kontakta alltid läkare. Ge aldrig en medvetslös person något att dricka eller förtära. Vid uppsökande av läkare, visa om möjligt detta varu infonnationsblad eller produktetiketten. Medicinsk infonnation:Ordinarie hälsokontroll, behandling baseras på läkares bedömning och patient reaktioner. Om besvär kvarstår kontakta läkare, ta om möjligt med detta SDB blad, produktblad samt produkten. j s. Åtgärder vid b~aud Samtliga förekonunande släckningsmedel. Lämpliga släckningsmedel Släckningsmedcl som inte bör användas av säkcrhctsskäl Särskild exponeringsriskcr vid brand Övriga anvisningar Inga Kontakt med starka alkaliska produkter kan frigöra ammonium. Standard procedur för kemikaliebrand, behållare kyls med vatten. 6. · Åtgärder vid spill- oavsiktliga utsläpp Vid långvarig hantering använd skyddshandskar och skyddskläder. Förhindra att produkten når avlopp, ytvatten, grundvatten eller mark. Vid stora utsläpp, valla in med sand, jord eller absorberingsmedel och samla upp. Spola rent med mycket vatten. Person skydd Miljöskydds åtgärder Sancringsätgärder Svensk Flamskyddsteknik Fågel backen 725 95 Västerås 021-147273 fax 021-30570 I www.fla mskydd.com SDB Sccurn FRW SÄKERHETSDATABLAD Vers1011datum 2006-03-01 Artikel nummer I Ersätter 11ct1gare version FRT 1:20041101 Handelsnamn I ( SDB) Denna version FRT 2:20060301 I Sida 3(6) SCFRT SecuraAnti-Flame FRT j 1. Hantering och lagring Hantering Använd alltid när så är möjligt sådana arbetsmetoder att långvarig och upprepad hudkontakt kan undvikas. Följ alltid brnksanvisningen för produkten. Förvara produkten i orginalförpackning, väl tillsluten och förvarad avskilt från barn. Förvaring skall ske frostfritt. Lagring om ej orginalförpackning finns tillgänglig skall ej ske i stål fat, stålförpackningar etc. Plast emballage skall användas. Skall inte förvaras brevid starkt alkaliska produkter. Krävs inga tillstånd. Lagring Tillstånd 8. Begränsning av exponeringen I personligt skydd Tekniska anvisningar för att minimera exponering Övervakningsparametrar Hygieniska gränsvärden enligt AFS1993:9 finns för bl.a. följande ingående ämnen Beståndsdelens benämning Personlig skyddsutrustning Inga Inga Inga Inga Personlig skyddsutrustning är inte nödvändig, men vid yrkesmässig användning med långvarig eller ofta upprepad hudkontakt med produkten bör skyddshandskar av gummi användas samt skydds glasögon. Allmän hygien Inga Vid risk för direktkontakt eller stänk bör skyddshandskar användas. Vid risk för direktkontakt eller stänk bör skyddsglasögon användas. Skydds och hygienåtgärder Andningsskycld Handskydd Ögonskydd Svensk Flamskyddstekni k Fågelbacken 725 95 Västerås 021 - 147273 fax 021-305701 www.namskydd.com SDB Secura FRW SÄKERHETSDATABLAD ( SDB) Ersätter ti 1gare version Denna version Sida 2006-03-01 Art1 e munmer FRT 1:20041101 Han e snamn FRT 2:20060301 4(6) SCFRT SecuraAnti-Flamc FRT 9. Fysikaliska I kemiska egenskaper ( obs, ingen specifikation) Egenskaperna avser hela beredningen Utseende Färg Lukt pH i koncentrat Kokpunkt°C Lägsta flyttemperatur °C Brännbarhet Explosiva egenskaper Oxiderand egenskaper kontakt. Densitet Löslighet i vatten - lösningsmedel Klarvätska Ingen Svag lukt 7,2+/-,2 IOO- I I0°C c:a-9 Ej brännbar Ej explosiv vara Koppar, mässing, aluminium skall täckas väl vid risk för Om kontakt sker skall riklig sköljning med vatten ske, torka därefter tolTt med trasa. 1134 kg/m 3 , +!- 20 kg/m3 Blandbar i alla propotioner Ja j 10. Stabilitet och reaktivitet Stabilitet Förhållanden som skall undvikas Material och kemiska produkter som bör undivkas : Produkten är stabil under normalt förvaring : Frost : Koppar, mässing, zink, aluminium legeringar bör täckas väl vid risk för stänk eller kontakt. Vid kontakt skälj riktigt med rent vatten och torka tont med ren trasa. Undvik kontakt med stark alkaliska produkter, möjlighet finns till frigöming av fosfor och anunoniumoxid. Farliga omvandlings produkter : Vid temperaturer > 300°C, finns möjlighet till frigöring av anunonium och fosforoxid. Svensk Flamskyddsteknik Fågelbacken 725 95 Västerås 021-147273 fax 021 -305701 www.namskydd.com SDB Sccura FRW SÄKERHETSDATABLAD Vers,onctatum 2006-03-01 Arltkel nummer I Ersätter t1C11garc version FRT 1 :20041101 Hanelelsnamn I ( SDB) Denna version FRT 2:20060301 I :sida 5(6) SCFRT SecuraAnti-FJame FRT 11. Toxikologisk information Inga besvär Produkten kan verka uttorkande och vid långvarig och ofta uppre pad hudkontakt kan hudens naturliga skyddsbarriär skadas. Stänk i ögonen kan ge övergående lätt sveda. Kan ge sveda i mun och svalg samt om stötTe mängd förtärts illamående och eventuellt kräkning. Inandning ) Hudkontakt Ögonkontakt Förtäring Produkten är klassificerad som ej hälsofarlig vara enligt KIFS 1994:12 Toxologiska undcrsölmingsdata finns enbart för farliga ingående ämnen, inte för beredningen. Akut toxitet Allerigegenskaper Kroniskt toxitet Inga kända Inga kända Nej 12. Ekotoxikoligisk information Produkten är bedömd och klassificerad som " Ej märkningspliktig " Ekotoxologiska undersökningsdata finns enbart för ingående ämnen, inte för beredningen. Ekotoxologiska data för miljöfarliga limnen i prndukten Inga miljöfarliga ämnen ingår i produkten Notering Inga negativa miljöeffekter är att vänta. Lokala större utsläpp till vattendrag har en gödande effekt. j 13. Avfallshantering Inga kända risker. Risker med avfallet Metoder för omhändertagande av produktrester Metoder för omhändertagande av förpackningsrester Produktrester är inget miljöfarligt avfall. Tömda förpackningar kan lämnas för återvinning. Tömda förpackningar är inte transport eller miljöfarligt gods. Svensk Flamskyddsteknik Fågelbacken 725 95 Västerås 02 1-147273 fax 02 1-305701 www.flamskydd .com SDB Sccura FRW SÄKERHETSDATABLAD Versiondatutn 2006-03-01 Artikel nummer I Ersätter tidigare version FRT 1:20041101 Handelsnumn I (SDB) Denna version FRT 2:20060301 SCFRT SecuraAnti-Flame FRT j 14. Transportinformation Produkten är inte transportfarligt gods enligt bestämmelserna om transport i ADR, ADR-S, IMDG, ICAO-TI och IATA-DGR. Transportklassificering j1s. Gällande bestämnielser EEC direktiv Symbol R - fras S - fras Ej klassificerad som hälso eller miljöfarlig produkt enligt EEC direktiv 91/155/EEG NIA NIA S2, Förvaras väl frånskilt från barn j16. Övrig information Förteckning över R-fraser för ämnen under punkt 2. Risk och skyddsfraser EM Ej märkningspliktig NIA Ej tillgänglig Rl I Mycket brandfarlig R36 hTiterar ögonen R67 Ångor kan göra att man blir dåsig och omtöcknad S(2) Förvaras oåtkomlig för barn S7 Förpackningen förvaras väl tillsluten S 16 Förvaras åtskilt från antändningskällor - Rökning förbjuden S24 Undvik kontakt med huden S25 Undvik kontakt med ögonen S26 Vid kontakt med ögonen, spola genast rikligt med ljummet vatten och kontakta läkare Debatterad information Produkten innehåller inte brom, klor, klorparaffiner, PBB, PBDE,HBCCD Utbildningskrav vid hantering av produkten Produkten hanteras enbart av egen utbildad personal. Som underlag till varublad har använts - Råvaruleverantören/tillverkarens produktinfonnation - Kemikalieinspektionens författningssamling - Arbetarskyddstyrelsens kungörelser - Toxnet Kompletterande uppgifter fås av Svensk Flamskydds teknik AB, Teknisk support 0707-420420 support@flamskydd.c0111. w,vw.flamskydd.c0111 Sccura Anti-Flame registrerat som SPW Secura brandskyddsvätska Svensk Flamskyddsteknik Fågelbacken 725 95 Västerås 021-147273 fax 021-305701 www.flamskydd.com SDB Sccura FRW