Towards Future Heritage Management The Swedish National Heritage Board’s Environmental Scanning Report Foreword 3 Introduction 5 Overall Conclusions 12 State of the Historic Environment Sector 20 Societal & External Trends 25 Consequences for the Cultural Heritage Field 66 Cultural Policy Challenges in the Cultural Heritage Field 75 List of References 80 1 2 Foreword Society is constantly changing and the cultural heritage reflects such development. Changes leave traces that tell of people’s lives and living conditions. Societal changes affect values and lifestyles, the landscape and buildings. New cultural heritage appears and some disappears. The National Heritage Board has, by means of an Environmental Scanning Report (ESR), been commissioned by the Government to account for changes and development tendencies in society that may have significance for the cultural heritage and the development of cultural policy. This assignment has been comprehensive, interesting and vital. Many exciting questions, tendencies and possible scenarios have been raised. These will be dealt with in a variety of ways by the National Heritage Board in collaboration with other actors in the cultural heritage field. In this analysis we highlight those challenges that we identify as facing the cultural heritage, the cultural heritage field and cultural policy if we are to realise our vision of cultural heritage – past, present and future – that is vital, accessible and meaningful. Inger Liliequist Director-General, Swedish National Heritage Board Project group: Henrik Lindblad, Maja Flygt, Åsa Magnusson E-mail: 3 4 Introduction The Commission In 2006, the Government commissioned the National Heritage Board (NHB) to present, by 1st October at the latest, “an ESR that looks at the changes and development tendencies in society that can have significance for the cultural heritage and the development of cultural policy. The ESR should also contain an overall assessment of the state of and developments in the historic environment sector. In addition, the ESR should include an overall assessment of the development of regional historic environment work.” (Extract from NHB’s official commission for 2006) In accordance with the methodology recommended for ESRs (such as Furustig/Sjöstedt and Hamrefors), and that NHB has also applied in this analysis, ES work in general can be expressed in terms of the agency analysing the changes or societal and external trends assessed as having important consequences for the cultural heritage field and work with the cultural heritage. NHB has also drawn conclusions on the basis of the analysis and identified a number of specific challenges. Purpose The purpose of this ESR is to create a foundation for the Government’s assessment of the cultural heritage field’s and cultural policy development. Moreover, the analysis is intended as a support for the formation of long-term strategies for work concerned with the historic environment. 5 Specific Questions A central point of departure for an ESR is to formulate specific questions that are directed towards the future and towards explaining the underlying causes for the development. Based on the commission’s official documentation, NHB has formulated the following question for the 2006 analysis: Which environmental changes are likely to have an impact on the cultural heritage and the cultural heritage field’s development in the period up to 2015? Concepts and Terms in the ESR Taking the Government Bills, Culture Policy (Bill 1996/97:3) and Cultural Heritage – Historic Environments and Cultural Objects (Bill 1998/99:114) as points of departure, NHB has chosen to interpret the concepts of cultural heritage and historic environment as follows: Cultural heritage relates to the material and non-material expressions of traditions, ideas and values that we consciously or unconsciously inherit from previous generations. Cultural heritage changes with time and is an expression of society’s changing values. When the definite article is included it implies the diversity of cultural heritage. Historic environment – an important part of the cultural heritage – refers to the human-influenced physical environment and includes anything from individual objects to large landscapes. Here the historic environment sector refers to actors that conduct publicly financed historic environment work for NHB, County Administrative Boards, regional museums and local government authorities. The term cultural heritage sector refers to other publicly financed archives, libraries, museums and exhibitions. 6 The cultural heritage field is regarded as the field in which cultural heritage efforts are carried out. Many different actors are included, e.g. publicly financed, voluntary or private. Similarly, the concept historic environment field refers to the field in which historic environment efforts are carried out. Accommodated within the wider cultural heritage field, it includes many public, voluntary and private actors. The terms cultural heritage work and historic environment work are also used in this analysis to denote work with cultural heritage or historic environments that is carried out by the cultural heritage and historic environment sectors, and by other actors in the cultural heritage and historic environment fields. Time Horizon – 2015 Another important point of departure for an ESR is to define the time perspective. In this ESR NHB has tried to be more future-oriented and has thus chosen a perspective up to 2015. Historically speaking, contemporary society is quite similar to that of ten years ago, although considering today’s rapid-moving world, things may look quite different in ten years time. NHB’s assessment is that the chosen time perspective will allow a reasonable appraisal of the development of the identified trends and their consequences. 7 Method In this ESR, NHB has used a variety of tools that can be summarised as trendspotting, with trend appraisal, driving force- and consequence analyses. The work has been conducted in a number of stages and has been carried out both in smaller analysis groups and with a wide variety of different participants. The different processes of the work include: 1. Purpose, question-framing and present situation analysis 2. Intuitive trend-spotting 3. The valuation and prioritisation of trends 4. Trend description, validation (study of original sources), durability, driving force and possible counter-trends 5. Analysis of the consequences for the defined area, i.e. the cultural heritage and the cultural heritage field 6. The prioritisation and grouping of consequences 7. The formulation and prioritisation of challenges The company Futuresense has acted as method support and sounding board. Historic environment representatives from the six County Administrative Boards asked to submit ESRs to NHB have taken part in the different stages and been involved in both analysis and conclusion formulations. Working with an ESR An ESR can be described as a systematic process for monitoring and analysing societal and external information and drawing strategic conclusions from it. The aim of an ESR is to make information available that can improve the commissioner’s proactive capacity and provide a basis from which decision-makers can make 8 their own realistic forecasts and decisions. Well-formulated material should aim at providing the commissioner with a three-pronged perspective that relates to: • What is happening? • Why is it happening and what does it involve? • Which path is the development taking and what might that mean for us? In relating to the formulation of the Government’s commission, NHB has chosen to base the 2006 ESR on established methods. An ESR includes identifying the societal and external trends – desirable or undesirable – and the consequences and challenges that these might imply. The analysis is intended to serve as a basis for the development of strategies that will deal with the identified threats and possibilities. The NHB has also seen this commission as a welcome opportunity to develop ESR work within the agency. Up-to-date societal and external monitoring is a pre-requisite for regularly executed, consistent and relevant ESRs. Furthermore, an annual ESR should also form the basis of decision-making and the development of strategies within NHB. Working Materials and Sources Regional ESRs At regional level, a large number of actors make a joint contribution to dynamic cultural heritage work. As regional-level agencies, the County Administrative Boards are particularly qualified to assess regional historic environment work. The ESRs that six counties were asked to carry out and report back on to NHB by 1st July 2006 are thus important contributions. The commission submitted to the County Administrative Boards for 2006 reads: “The County Administrative Boards in Stockholm, Jönköping, Skåne, Örebro, Jämtland and 9 Norrbotten shall, by means of an environmental scanning report, provide an account of the changes and tendencies in society that are of particular significance for the development of regional historic environment work”. As support for the analyses, NHB supplied the country administrative boards with definitions and examples of societal and external trends, maps and SWOTanalysis templates used in connection with the 2001-2004 Operation Heritage project. The latter were suggested in order to facilitate comparisons between the 2006 analyses and those conducted by the counties for the Operation Heritage project. The result was that some County Administrative Boards conducted thorough SWOT-analyses, whereas others mainly identified important trends and their consequences. Several County Administrative Boards used both methods. In three of the six counties the analysis work was undertaken in collaboration with the county museums, which meant that their expertise within the cultural heritage field could also be used. Other Important Material and Sources The analysis work undertaken by NHB’s own working groups and the six County Administrative Boards has formed the basis of the 2006 ESR. NHB’s previous analyses have served as the point of departure. In the 2002 analysis, The Dynamic Cultural Heritage, four general development tendencies were identified as being of especial importance to the future historic environment field: • an increasingly borderless society, • democratisation, participation and accessibility, • a long-term sustainable development, • regions taking new forms. 10 Two of the four identified tendencies resulted in governmental commissions for more in-depth analyses; the 2004 Cultural Heritage is Diversity analysis (based on an increasingly borderless society) and the 2005 Cultural Heritage Gives Vitality analysis (based on a long-term sustainable development). Both analyses can be regarded as in-depth studies of the role that historic environment work might play in the respective fields. The ESRs undertaken by other agencies and organisations in recent years have been important reference and inspirational sources. In 2006, Skåne’s County Administrative Board carried out a comprehensive analysis where a number of societal trends were identified, and which also formed the basis of the analysis that the historic environment section delivered to NHB. Another structural analysis was Region Skåne’s 2005 analysis; Hur vill vi ha framtiden då? [What do we want the future to be like?]. While this work uses the same trend analysis method as NHB, it develops a scenario description based on the identified trends. Region Skåne’s analysis resulted in four different future scenarios for the year 2020. Yet another important work was the former Swedish Association of Local Authorities’ 2002 analysis; Hur långt är ett snöre? En bok om människor, kommunen och framtiden. [How long is a piece of string? A book about people, local authorities and the future]. This also resulted in scenarios that stretched forward to 2015. A somewhat older analysis was that conducted by the former National Tax Board’s report in 2000; Vår förvaltning år 2010 – i globaliseringens spår [Our Agency in 2010 – in globalisation’s tracks]. The advanced analysis entitled People and Connections. Global Scenarios to 2020, carried out by the Shell oil company in 2002, also provides a very thorough global perspective. References in the form of published reports, articles, information from the Internet, etc., are outlined in the list of references at the end of this report. 11 Overall Conclusions Based on the Government’s commission to the agency, the specific question that NHB has used as the basis for its 2006 ESR is “Which environmental changes are likely to have an impact on the cultural heritage and the cultural heritage field’s development in the period up to 2015?” The following summary focuses on the conclusions resulting from the ESR and that are presented as three specific challenges facing the cultural heritage field and cultural policy. The challenges build on an analysis work that has resulted in ten important trends and a number of important consequences for the development of the cultural heritage field. A point of departure for the analysis has been the description of the state of the historic environment sector, found under the heading The State of the Historic Environment Sector. Challenges for the Cultural Heritage Field and Cultural Policy The cultural heritage sector’s work should be conducted in a way that makes the cultural heritage vital, accessible and meaningful for everyone. The work will create opportunities for a diversity of narratives and represent today’s citizens. It will both take advantage of and allow scope for people’s own strengths and initiatives to use cultural heritage and historic environments in a versatile and sustainable way, where people are central. If the cultural heritage field is to successfully face the future challenges described in this ESR, NHB is convinced that the Government must take the following three cultural heritage challenges seriously when formulating cultural heritage policy. The future of cultural heritage work is defined in ten specific points. 12 1. Increased readiness to manage landscapes in transformation If the landscape is to continue to tell important stories and contribute to a rich living environment, increased collaboration and accountability on the part of professional and other actors working with and using the cultural heritage is necessary. Methods relating to the valuation, long-term conservation and use of historic environments and artefacts need to be developed and made more accessible. Tools are needed that facilitate accountability for and valuation of the cultural heritage in the landscape. The challenge means: • Supporting the development of methods and tools for a long-term sustainable protection of historic environments. These should aim towards a holistic view of the landscape that ensures that changes are managed and that public interest is central. • Supporting an improvement of culture-historical consequence analyses, communication and discussions. The consequences that exploitation, urbanisation, structural transformation and energy conversions have on the landscape, both in towns and cities and in the countryside, need to be better analysed. The effects of landscape transformations on society at large need to be discussed and highlighted in an effective way. • Supporting the development and dissemination of knowledge relating to climatic changes and other environmental factors that affect the living environment and the cultural heritage, as well as methods and strategies that deal with such developments. 13 2. Strengthening humanistic and historical perspectives Future cultural heritage work demands new and broader knowledge and skills. When more actors work with the cultural heritage both professionally and as volunteers, the circumstances of public historic environment work also change. New and different knowledge about the cultural heritage thus needs to be developed. New skills are needed in order to manage knowledge in a way that both guarantees quality and makes it accessible and meaningful for the public and professionals alike. The humanistic and historical perspectives of historic environmental work also need to be strengthened, particularly as they are the field’s most important contribution to a long-term sustainable society. The challenge means: • Strengthening and internationalising humanist education and research in order to secure the provision and acquisition of new and broader knowledge and skills for the development of a proactive cultural heritage work. • A greater integration of humanist and historical knowledge in technical and scientific education and research. • Giving humanist and historical perspectives opportunities similar to those of other perspectives, such as the natural- or social sciences, to impact environmental work and the transition to a sustainable development. • Giving individuals and associations, networks, enterprises and other organisations organisations more opportunities to take responsibility for the conservation, use and protection of the cultural heritage. 14 3. Formulate modern assignments for the cultural heritage sector The need for modern assignments for the cultural heritage sector is greater than ever before. The work must be such that it harmonises with the new cultural heritage vision currently being developed, as well as with new cross-sectoral and international commitments. Joint resources in the cultural heritage field also need to be used more efficiently. Relations to and collaboration with other policy areas also need to be made clearer. The challenge means: • Designing work for the individual public actors within the cultural heritage field so that they collaboratively support a developed, offensive cultural heritage work that meets the goals set for the historic environment field. These assignments should support the work for the long-term protection of the historic environment and take their departure in the significance of the cultural heritage for an increased understanding and perspective of people, society and our age. Renewed assignments for the cultural heritage sector should also facilitate the historic environment sector’s cooperation with actors in different policy fields. • Making more efficient use of resources in the cultural heritage field by ensuring that assignments and responsibilities in the historic environment sector are more clearly related to the set goals. • Developing instruments of governance and other tools so that the new cultural heritage vision can have an impact on societal development and be implemented in everyday historic environment work. 15 ESR for the Cultural Heritage Field Important Societal and External Trends The ten trends presented in this analysis have been deemed as being particularly important for the development of the cultural heritage field up to the year 2015. The identified trends are: • • • • • • • • • • Regions increase in importance Migration from rural to urban areas increases International contacts (including the EU) increase and deepen More privatisation and new actors in an increasingly borderless market Continued development of the experience economy Increased integration of IT in everyday life A more heterogeneous population Rapid changes in values, involvement and priorities Interest in environmental issues and climate change increases Changed public sector circumstances Consequences for the Cultural Heritage Field The analysis of these ten trends has resulted in a number of significant consequences for the cultural heritage field. Like the trends, the consequences are projected to the year 2015 and are: • A diverse cultural heritage vision European collaborations, improved international collaborations and an extended labour market mean new actors in Sweden and Swedish actors in other countries. Up to 2015 Sweden changes geographically, with new regions and more pronounced regional growth- and depopulated areas. A more heterogeneous society takes shape with more visible and differentiated cultures. Diversity assumes greater variation in, for example, social visions and values. 16 The cultural heritage perspective widens and there are increased calls for a cultural heritage work that is vital for everyone. In a more heterogeneous and polarised society, the cultural heritage will become a more flexible tool and used by different groups and for different purposes. • A landscape in transformation The future landscape will be noticeably different. Structural transformation means large-scale agricultural companies, the closing of firms and the depopulation of the countryside. The countryside is increasingly used for the production of experience and renewable energy rather than food. Cityscapes and public spaces are rapidly reshaped. Conversion to a sustainable society affects the conservation and protection of the cultural heritage. There will be greater demands for an improved knowledge base relating to historic environment work. • A changed view of the cultural heritage as a resource New actors within the cultural heritage field bring new influences that impact both cultural heritage work and the built environment. Greater focus on the cultural heritage as a resource for societal growth, such as tourism or other aspects of the experience industry, leads to the cultural heritage becoming a commercial product. Narratives will become more important in both content and promotion. A developed commercial use of the cultural heritage can mean over-exploitation, wear and tear and idealisation, and new valuations of authenticity. Setting limits for the wear and tear of the cultural heritage is likely to be an important issue, and new cultural heritage work methods will be necessary in terms of valuation and selection. 17 • A widened knowledge production In a society of the future a greater number of different individuals and groups will have more chance of making their voices and views heard. They will also contribute to and control knowledge banks and databases. These aspects will change both the conditions and demands of the work of different agencies. In the cultural heritage field, knowledge building is facilitated to a much greater extent by other than publicly financed actors. In the future, historical writing and research will be directed towards other and different historic environments than those defined by the historic environment sector. The cultural heritage sector will share the preferential right of interpretation with others, and the agency’s role in cultural heritage work will need to be developed and refined. Call for access to the cultural heritage will increase substantially. • An increased need for quality-guaranteed knowledge A developed and globalised information society has access to an infinite volume of information. In combination with increased demands that quality-guaranteed information should be easily accessible, it becomes important for agencies to have a strong brand. This places demands on the agencies’ ability to communicate and supply the sought-after information. New technology leads to new ways of spreading and accessing cultural heritage knowledge. Research opportunities also change, as do those for the analysis and compilation of cultural heritage work. Demands for interpretations of the cultural heritage and historic environment are also expected to increase. The authenticity of the experience of the cultural heritage and historic environment in situ will probably be valued much more highly in the future. 18 • New demands on governement agencies An increased internationalisation and number of actors in a more heterogeneous society leads to changed circumstances for governmental agencies. In addition to regionalisation and new administrative structures, new collaborations and forms of cooperation across old boundaries will increase. Citizens’ calls for accessibility, transparency and efficiency, together with a greater individualbased and interactive involvement, will also affect the public sector. More actors and regionally varying solutions can create demands for new forms of governance and supervision from central sources. At the same time as demands on agencies increase up to 2015, it is likely that public sector resources will become scarcer. It is thus of great importance that assignments, responsibility distribution and public authority roles are both clear and prioritised. 19 State of the Historic Environment Sector This chapter is an appraisal of the state of the historic environment sector. The appraisal is mainly based on descriptions of the current situation submitted by the six County Administrative Boards and on NHB’s understanding of the state of the historic environment sector as a whole. The following sub-headings and text describe the issues that affect current cultural heritage work. The Interest in Cultural Heritage and Historic Environment Several County Administrative Boards assess that public interest in the cultural heritage and historic environment has increased, as has the number of actors that identify different business and economic possibilities. This is reflected in increased demands for the historic environment sector’s expertise, knowledge and competence. Increased interest in the cultural heritage and historic environment has also led to more people’s involvement with cultural heritage, both voluntarily and professionally. Working methods have also changed. The preferential right of interpretation that was previously the sole domain of public cultural heritage actors is now shared with those within other areas, such as experience production and role play, the tourist industry, the building industry, private property owners and managers. The fact that other actors acquire knowledge and competence and the market for consultants and other private actors increases within the cultural heritage field, is indication of an increased interest in the cultural heritage and historic environment. However, several County Administrative Boards assess that local authorities often lack historic environment knowledge and competence. 20 Historic Environment Issues in a Wider Context The historic environment sector is active in many areas, such as environmentaland nature conservation, energy, town planning, regional growth, integration and human rights. In their ESRs, several County Administrative Boards emphasise the fact that the historic environment function collaborates with other functions. While this is seen as something positive, it also demands new competences. As the historic environment sector is increasingly involved in international arenas, EU-collaborations increase and are both dependent on and affected by EU funding and programmes. Although the historic environment sector is involved in many fields that strengthen its role in society, this also makes the work more diffuse and complex. Success in new emphases like diversity, accessibility, environmental quality objectives and regional growth is hampered by lack of resources, present forms of governance, and differing ideas about the tasks and roles involved. Without additional resources it becomes difficult for the sector to qualitatively contribute to environmentally-objective work, work with landscape strategies and regional development programmes – and continue the already existing assignments. Cultural Heritage Visions In recent years, changes in perspectives and approaches in the cultural heritage field have become apparent; most clearly demonstrated in the work with the Operation Heritage projekt (Agenda Kulturarv in Swedish). In a widening interpretation, the cultural heritage sector’s focus has increasingly been on people in our age and how the cultural heritage could be a dynamic force in societal development. 21 The significance of this new cultural heritage vision is not yet clear, though, particularly as it has been interpreted in different ways and had varying degrees of success within the historic environment sector. In their ESRs, several County Administrative Boards have pointed out that approaches and practices in regional historic environment work differ from those of the central museums and NHB. While it is difficult to assess whether there is a definite dividing line between regional and central levels, it is clear that current historic environment sector activities are characterised by different approaches and points of departure, not least between County Administrative Boards and regional museums. Historic Environment Work in a Sustainable Society Historic environment sector work becomes increasingly integrated in the work for environmental quality objectives, a long-term sustainable society and that of the “large environment family” as a whole. In its ESR, one County Administrative Board highlights that work in these areas has led to the historic environment having a stronger role in the boards’ cross-sectoral work, and also stresses the need for antiquarian competence, new planning skills and better planning information in the local authorities. Another County Administrative Board suggests that historic environment issues are regarded as being increasingly important. The boards also highlight that the historic environment sector lacks resources for collaboration with other environmental actors on similar terms, which could mean that interest in such work will either decrease or stop. They also point out that the historic environment sector is in need of a much sharper profile in the larger environmental context if it is to have any future impact on Sweden’s strategy for a sustainable development. The role that cultural heritage and a humanist perspective could play in work for a sustainable society is yet to be defined and investigated. 22 The Need for New Knowledge and Research As a body, the cultural heritage sector has considerable knowledge and competence. It is clear, however, that the cultural heritage field has need of new research and strategies when it comes to the future development of the cultural heritage. For example, knowledge relating to modern society’s cultural heritage, on what a more heterogeneous population means for the cultural heritage field and about the effects that investments within the visitor industry will have on cultural heritage and historic environments is necessary. There is also a need to develop R&D work, build bridges between the research world and practical experience, and make recently acquired knowledge known and serviceable in the field. The volume of data within the cultural heritage field is increasing and needs to be managed in a systematic and safe way. This is particularly important in an age where databases, information and knowledge is both accumulated and disseminated by an increasing number of different actors. In their ESRs, the County Administrative Boards point out the need to improve, update and make digital materials more easily available, and to guarantee the quality of and prioritise information. Although the regional museums contribute to this work in varying degrees, there is a real need to find ways of collaborating that make more effective use of the available resources within the historic environment field. Administrative Hindrances Today the historic environment sector occupies an important role in environment work and the development towards a sustainable society. Society’s different sectors, such as nature, culture, agriculture, social care, integration, etc., now work much closer together. This gives better and more substantial projects with new challenges and cooperative gains. The historic environment sector is committed to improving such collaborations. 23 Cross-sectoral work is seldom supported by frameworks and support forms that are adapted to this type of work, however. In its ESR, one County Administrative Board points to a mismatch between how one is expected to work with historic environment issues in the regional environmentally objective frameworks and how the coordination between different central departments takes place. In this context, problems in terms of how the central tasks are designed are also visualised. The County Administrative Boards’ historic environment functions are expected to work in the fields of environmental- and cultural policy, such as through the Environmental Code and Heritage Conservation Act respectively, or through the County Administrative Board as a cross-sectoral governmental agency. Rules and regulations for these different support forms and conditions for grant allocations lead to coordination between different sectors at the regional level being rendered more difficult. The Need for Long-term Strategies and Prioritising The historic environment sector currently lacks the management strategies, objectives and prioritising to manage its heavy workload. This was one of the central questions facing the project Operation Heritage when it was introduced in 2001. In its study of regional museums and national cultural policy (2001), the Swedish Council of Cultural Affairs also emphasised a more developed collaboration around regional historic environmental conservation. In their ESRs, all six County Administrative Boards highlight the importance of prioritising among an increasing number of assignments and tasks, the need to develop long-term strategies for the monitoring of cultural sector work, and the dangers of taking on more than can effectively be managed. In this connection, several emphasise the importance of new and increased assignments being accompanied by adequate resources. However, possibilities for working with long-term strategies and programmes differ between the different counties. 24 Societal and External Trends A trend is a long-term change that is happening now and follows a certain course. The trends identified in this analysis are to be found in the world around us, i.e. at an overall societal and external level, and have great significance for how activities within the cultural heritage field might be developed – even though actors within the field cannot always affect these changes. NHB’s specific study question for this ESR is: Which environmental changes are likely to have an impact on the cultural heritage and the cultural heritage field’s development in the period up to 2015? The analysis has identified the following ten trends as important for the cultural heritage field: • • • • • • • • • • Regions increase in importance Migration from rural to urban areas increases International contacts (including the EU) increase and deepen More privatisation and new actors in an increasingly borderless market Continued development of the experience economy Increased integration of IT in everyday life A more heterogeneous population Rapid changes in values, involvement and priorities Interest in environmental issues and climate change increases Changed public sector circumstances. NHB has also assessed the consequences that each trend might have for the development of the cultural heritage field some ten years into the future. This is based on a supposition of possible consequences; some of which may not come about. 25 1. Regions increase in importance The regions steadily increase in importance as management arenas for development issues. One trend that is global, EU-related and also within Sweden’s borders is that new regions are developed and regional interests gain increased significance. In public-sector Sweden, changes in responsibility are taking place between the central and regional levels. In addition to the experimental regions of Skåne and Västra Götaland, local authority collaborations between different counties or local authorities are also overstepping country frontiers. Collaborations between the county of Jämtland and Norway’s Tröndelag, between Haparanda and Finland’s Torneå, those within the Öresund Region, and the larger-scale Baltic cooperation, are all examples of this. This so-called regional enlargement means that local labour and service markets become intertwined and spread beyond local authority and county boundaries. In Sweden the metropolitan areas of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö, and areas surrounding a number of important regional towns and cities, are becoming increasingly significant as local labour market regions and hubs of competitiveness and growth. 27 The trend’s driving forces The globalisation of societal economy with, for example, borderless labour markets, is one important overall driving force. Within the EU, the principle of subsidarity and regional policies with structural funds are important driving forces. For example, in EU countries, increased demands for the streamlining of agency work and increased regional growth lay behind the merger of smaller counties into larger regions. Structural transformation of the economy forces the development of new services or research-related business clusters. These are based on improved communications (IT, Internet, physical transport) and deregulated markets, and are becoming less dependent on national or other borders. The trend’s durability and possible counter-trends There is nothing to indicate any weakening of the trend in the long-term, although when it comes to formal regional developments in Sweden, these are dependent on future and somewhat predictable events, as the conclusions in the Accountability Study (dir. 2003:10) and political decisions that follow on from these. Both within the EU and in Sweden there are both supporters and opponents of increased federalism and regionalisation within different political parties and movements. The referendum held in Italy in 2006, where the proposal for an increased Italian federalism was rejected, can be included in this counter-trend. 28 Consequences for the development of the cultural heritage field • Cooperation between regions in different countries can change the conditions for governance at central, regional and local levels. • It can be more difficult for central agencies to have national overviews – at the same time as this becomes all the more important. • Regional decisions relating to the distribution of resources for different cultural projects give new significance to national cultural policies, which in turn leads to differences in how different regions are able to support cultural activities. • Although cultural heritage work becomes more multifaceted, rich and dynamic, it becomes more difficult to interpret. • Cultural heritage and historic environments are used to market regions through the creation of regional profiles. • International competition between different metropolitan districts leads to an increased need for marketing through so-called city-branding, with prestige buildings like skyscrapers and new museums designed by famous architects (see also trend 2, below). 29 2. Migration from rural to urban areas increases While urbanisation is an age old global trend, its speed and significance has increased in recent decades. At the beginning of the 20th century only 150 million people – 10 percent of the world’s population – lived in cities. In 2006, over three billion people – half the world’s population – lived in cities. A change of system has thus occurred; in the main the global population is urban- rather than rurally based. In Sweden, migration from rural and smaller regions to the metropolitan regions of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö and to regional capitals is increasing. Between 1995 and 2005 Sweden’s rural population diminished by almost 10 percent, while in the same period the population of densely populated urban centres increased by just over 3 percent. 31 The trend’s durability and possible counter-trends The trend is set to continue until 2015 and into the foreseeable future. In Sweden there may be something of a trend reversal due to e.g. government investment in high unemployment areas and economic fluctuations within remaining basic industries. Similarly, EU structural funds, joint agricultural policies and national regional policies can delay rural depopulation. Migrations to urban-rural areas can be regarded as a counter-trend, although this is more probably an expression of an increased urbanism. Improved communications can facilitate commuting from the countryside to cities, although in the longterm increased energy prices can lead to a commuter reduction. The development of IT and the Internet has led to more flexible workplaces, although this does not break the urbanisation trend as dynamic meeting places are generally in cities. The trend’s driving forces Structural transformation, with the shutdown of industries or moving production to countries with lower costs, is an important driving force. The implication of this technological development is that workforces are reduced in traditional basic industries, like the steel and engineering industry, mining, agriculture and forestry. Research and technological development means that clusters are created in, e.g. Biotech, IT and the service sector, and concentrated in large university cities, thus becoming magnets for the highly educated. The cities’ power of attraction as creative and dynamic meeting places, as studied by American scholar Richard Florida, is another driving force. 32 Consequences for the development of the cultural heritage field • Sweden becomes more divided in terms of growth- versus depopulated areas. • A reduced use of buildings and environments in depopulated areas leads to abandoned buildings, demolition and waste landscapes. • The need to find new sources of livelihood, such as tourism, in depopulated areas. • Competition between different districts, cities, areas and regions increases, which leads to profiling efforts such as city-branding. Provincial authorities invest in lifestyles and experiences. • Increased exploitation in growth regions leads to dense cityscapes, the reutilisation of older buildings and new functions in, e.g. industrial and dockland areas. Sprawling and poly-nuclear metropolitan areas are developed. • Swedes change from a population with a rural identity to one influenced by life in cities and cityscapes, thus strengthening urban culture and urban life and leading to different views of the cultural heritage. 33 3. International contacts (including the EU) increase and deepen International contacts, exchanges and collaborations increase at public and individual levels throughout the country. Government agencies, local authorities, companies and other public and private organisations have daily contacts with partners within and beyond the EU. Travel increases and more Swedes than ever before travel abroad for work or leisure. The number of foreign tourists in Sweden increases and the EU’s borderless labour market means that more workers from abroad come to Sweden to live and work (see also trend 4, below). Besides travel and collaborative partnerships, borderless virtual contacts with global communities, chat-sites and other Internet-based meeting places are also on the increase. 35 The trend’s durability and possible counter-trends While the trend is strong and appears to be long-term, downswings may be experienced as a result of higher oil prices, global terrorism and subsequent counter-measures. In Europe, setbacks regarding the EU’s constitution could be interpreted as scepticism to increased EU integration. Swedish opposition to the EMU could be a similar phenomenon – although this doesn’t necessarily mean a desire for reduced international contacts. Hostility towards foreigners or xenophobia could be a counter-force to internationalisation, similarly the socalled anti-globalisation movement, although this is markedly international and borderless. The trend’s driving forces The trend is fuelled by globalisation within industry and supported by improved communications (e.g. cut-price flights), IT-development, the Internet, EU expansion and integration with new forms of finance, etc. 36 Consequences for the development of the cultural heritage field • National affinity (e.g. homogeneous “Swedishness”) is no longer as important for people’s identity. • Increased international and EU collaborations, with new finance forms, lead to changes of focus, priorities, labour markets and methods in the cultural heritage field. • Expansion of the labour market as actors in the Swedish cultural heritage field work outside Sweden. This can lead to new perspectives and an increased understanding for other people’s cultural heritage and changed conditions and goals. • International exchange within cultural heritage research and education increases. • More international actors in Sweden can lead to increased competition in the cultural heritage field and affect the labour market and the development of new ways and methods of working. Improved quality and professionalism could lead to a strengthened cultural heritage field. New actors also contribute new perspectives, historiographies, research, focus on other historic environments, and thus create a richer cultural heritage. • More and other historiographers influence society and public actors in the cultural heritage field. Knowledge acquisition, like the preferential right of interpretation, is broadened and expert roles change. • Increased international collaborations and exchanges of European or global goods and services in, e.g. building conservation, lead to new methods and materials and increases the need for oversight, supervision and advice for the building industry, property owners and managers. 37 4. More privatisation and new actors in an increasingly borderless market The globalisation of the economy has led to borderless markets and the mobility of services, goods and capital. The social climate has also created possibilities for the privatisation of former national or public enterprises. Railways, electric power and telecommunications have been deregulated and subjected to competition. Government agencies are also experiencing a trend that includes more marketorientation and increased charges and commissions. The number of actors has increased in, e.g. archaeology, building conservation and restoration. 39 The trend’s durability and possible counter-trends The trend is strong and set to continue to 2015 in and with the globalisation of industry and the economy. Continued privatisation of the public sector is likely (see also trend 10). The trend’s driving forces The worldwide globalisation of the economy is a driving force, as are the economic policy objectives within the EU and EMU. Developments in IT and the media facilitate the spread of information to specific target groups and increase lobbying possibilities. Increased demands for public sector efficiency and quality from the public, government authorities and government agencies/organisations also force revenue financing and privatisation. 40 Consequences for the development of the cultural heritage field • An increase in the number of private actors and market adjustments within the cultural heritage field can lead to the commercialisation of the said field. In the long-term this can affect how the cultural heritage is rated, attitudes to trading with cultural objects and the use of historic environments. • Sponsorship of the cultural heritage and work could increase as a result of increased collaboration with private actors and a scarcity of public sector resources (see also trend 10). • Increased imports (e.g. direct-purchasing abroad or through the Internet) of building commodities to Sweden can lead to new materials being used and accepted. This could also lead to increased price competition and lower prices for Swedish material. • Calls for the legal control of markets and demands for certification will increase. • Overall responsibility in different agencies is marginalised when smaller, result-oriented units are introduced for increased efficiency. 41 5. Continued development of the experience economy The experience economy, based on entertainment (music, films, games), tourism, adventure and sport, is now one of Sweden’s basic industries. The tourist industry is an important part of the experience economy and today constitutes 11 percent of the world’s accumulated BNP. In 2005, 800 million travellers crossed international frontiers in search of travel experiences. By 2020 the prognosis is that this number will double and that, like today, Europe will be the continent that receives most visitors. In different regional growth programmes (RGP) the experience industry or tourism stand out as an industry that will force developments in counties and regions of weak growth. In the Federation of Swedish Farmers’ (LRF) 2006 campaign, the countryside was emphasised as an experience landscape rather than one of production. According to ETOUR (European Tourism Research Institute) the demand for cultural heritage tourism has increased and overtaken that of nature tourism. Media productions, such as monthly magazines and TV programmes devoted to lifestyles, travel, housing, furnishings, history and antiques, gardens, health and recreation, increase in both number and circulation. 43 The trend’s durability and possible counter-trends There is nothing to indicate that the experience economy will start to decline in the foreseeable future. The prognosis is rather that it will have different rates of growth in different parts of the world. For example, India’s and China’s improving economies could lead to more pressure on tourism and the experience economy in Sweden. In the long-term, increased costs of transport and travel (oil prices, taxes) could limit the visitor industry’s increase, as could acts of terrorism and natural catastrophes, and thus lead to temporary breaks in the trend. The trend’s driving forces The technological revolution, especially in IT and communications, is an overriding driving force in the development of many experience-based products and services. Mobility and travel also increases as a result of improved economies and cheaper transport. Leisure time becomes all the more important in the world’s developed economies, and demand for content and substance increases. According to a Swedish attitude survey, today’s youth rate having fun (see also trend 8) very highly. In the current restructuring of industries, regions and local communities are seeking new profiles, enterprises and identities in order to survive and be able to finance activities and projects with the aid of, e.g. EU structural funds (see also trend 2). 44 Consequences for the development of the cultural heritage field • Considerable increases in international cultural heritage tourism mean that Swedish cultural heritage and historic environments become more important in terms of marketing and as visitor venues. Service and information will need to be improved and developed. • Landscapes formerly used for food production will instead be used for recreation and experiences of different kinds. • The cultural heritage becomes a sought-after factor in a good living environment, thus leading to increased local interest and involvement in conservation and a greater impact on local authorities’ planning. • The cultural heritage is used as a backdrop for historical performances, festivals and markets and in experience and adventure enterprises. • An increased usage of historic environments and the cultural heritage as the basis for experiences can lead to an increased thirst for knowledge about cultural heritage and historic environments, and a demand for accessible knowledge and developed technology for dissemination and communication. • New pedagogical staging of the cultural heritage and historic environments become more important and leads to growth in the demand for pedagogic activities and new professional roles. • The cultural heritage is used as an industrial resource, which leads to increased use and job opportunities. • Increased usage can mean increased wear and tear and demands for change, although it is likely that resources for long-term management will also be improved. • The demand for unexploited cultural heritage increases and narratives about places and their peoples become central. 45 6. Increased integration of IT in everyday life Information technology continues to affect the way we live our lives. The Internet and mobile telephony increase mobility, access to information and knowledge, entertainment and contacts; lifestyles become more mobile and borderless. Cell phones combine with computers, TV’s, music players/radios and GPS. More people have broadband and wireless connections – in the home, at work, in public places and in the forest. We can buy things, get hold of every imaginable piece of information and live our social lives through wireless broadband. Hot on the heels of the traditional Internet is Web 2.0 with its increased interactivity, where the user has control over his or her own data content, consumption, and production (cf. Wikipedia, blogs). 47 The trend’s durability and possible counter-trends Providing there are no global catastrophes the trend seems set to continue to 2015 and beyond, although at present the trend is unevenly divided over the world and within the developed countries. Existing counter-trends could stem from the technological fatigue and stress that occurs when everyone everywhere becomes more accessible and caught up in an increasing social tempo. This can take expression in mobile-free zones, IT-free retreats, an increased interest in craftwork and other “authentic” activities. The trend’s driving forces The trend includes strong commercial interests, where important actors like Google and Microsoft force the pace and develop services and technology. The games industry and information proprietors like music and film companies, and non-commercial actors like archives, libraries and museums, have a considerable interest in the development. The general demand for digital accessibility and interactivity also increases. Another driving force is the political goal of a sustainable information society for all. Central authorities also demand a more economically rational and accessible public sector; 24-hour agencies and developed IT-services. 48 Consequences for the development of the cultural heritage field • Demands for digital accessibility and participation increase, which means that personal dialogue and communication become all the more important. The preferential right of interpretation is widened. • The user creates or is involved in the creation of the content of databases, websites and blogs (User-/Community-generated Content). • An increased flow of information with new technology, the Internet, GIS, etc., means new possibilities for increased knowledge relating to the cultural heritage. • The increased flow of information makes it more important to gain access to “correct” information; it becomes individualised and demands for information quality guarantees increase. • Brands become more important. • Virtual visits compete with physical ones, which can mean that the authentic (physical) gains added value and becomes more attractive. Similarly, personal service and IRL (In Real Life) encounters become more exclusive and more highly valued. • People that are unable to make use of this new technology risk missing cultural heritage field developments. 49 7. A more heterogeneous population Sweden’s population becomes more heterogeneous. Today in Sweden, groups and individuals have different and mixed ethnic, social, religious, sexual, cultural, economic and other affinities or orientations. The many cultures found in a heterogeneous society differ from the more homogeneous norms and ideals that characterised former ideas of the national state. Different groups and individuals also become more visible, and there are many examples of an increased awareness of Sweden as a multifaceted country; such as the Swedish Parliament’s formal recognition of five national minorities in 1999 and the establishment of the Ombudsmen Homo, Jämo, DO and HO, and that the question of accessibility received all the more attention in public inquiries such as Power, Integration and Structural Discrimination, or in national efforts such as the 2006 Multicultural Year. Writers and other actors (e.g. the journal, Gringo) that describe or specialise in cultural diversity have been very successful and received much attention. At the same time, the heterogeneous society is one that is polarised and includes both segregation and discrimination. 51 The trend’s durability and possible counter-trends This trend will continue, even though there are forces that work against a more heterogeneous or “multicultural” and open society. In the long-run, such forces could grow and be expressed through political populism, nationalism and conservatism, with demands for a more culturally homogeneous society. At present there is no indication that these forces would affect the development of an increasingly heterogeneous society as described above. The trend’s driving forces An overall driving force is increased global, international and national migration. Individualisation is also a strong and long-term trend that forces developments towards a heterogeneous society. Travel, increased mobility, increased physical and virtual contacts and a mobile and borderless lifestyle have also increased knowledge and openness relating to different cultures and ways of life. In both Sweden and many other countries there is an increased political awareness of a multicultural society and a willingness to work with such issues. 52 Consequences for the development of the cultural heritage field • Cultural heritage is re-valued (see also trend 3) when different groups define their cultural heritage and create new narratives. • National identity broadens and acquires a more differentiated significance. • The expression of certain groups and/or cultures becomes limited. • Conflicts between different social groups may increase and the cultural heritage could be used as an instrument of force by racist and xenophobic groups. • The significance of accessibility to cultural heritage and historic environments increases both physically and intellectually. • The historic environment sector must collaborate with more and different interest groups, associations and religious communities than previously. 53 8. Rapid changes in values, involvement and priorities Swedes’ values and norms change rapidly; from having been rule-governed and loyal, Swedes have become more questioning, activist, open and assume a more liberal attitude to rules and norms. Since the World Values Survey began its investigations in 1981, no country has changed as quickly as Sweden in terms of basic values and political culture. When it comes to reluctance to follow existing laws, rules and norms, Swedes are now ahead of the Italians, Americans and English. A study of young people’s values shows that their priorities have changed. In 1990 they prioritised health, job and education, whereas now they prefer having fun, being with friends (often via the net) and having plenty of money (see also trend 5). Traditional political and voluntary involvement appears at the bottom of the interest-scale (2006). 55 The trend’s durability and possible counter-trends The recent trend of changed Swedish values is strong but difficult to assess in the long-term. One possible conclusion of the survey into young people’s interests and priorities is that these will continue and increase up to 2015. One opposing reservation is the so-called life-phase shift which means that today’s young people mature later, which makes it difficult to draw long-term conclusions about developments based on current attitudes. Signs of counter-reactions to the trend are also apparent, e.g. demands for stricter controls for sick leave, increased powers for the police and better order in schools. Activists in “The Global Justice Movement” and youth in general are much more politically active than the population as a whole. The trend’s driving forces Driving forces relating to changes in values in the West include the development of the welfare state and developments in IT and other technologies. IT-development and increased travel force the dissolution of geographical and cultural boundaries and create new cultures with new norms and values. Similarly, technology developments affect society’s tempo, lead to increased demands for quick results and less patience with traditional, slow, democratic processes. Global commercialisation impacts many people’s attitudes. 56 Consequences for the development of the cultural heritage field • Increased interactivity and participation in the public political debate and promotion of one’s own views, e.g. in blogs (see also trend 6) leads to an increased yet divided and confused debate. • New methods are developed for influencing those in power – lobbying becomes more common and accepted, also within the cultural heritage field. • Greater variations in values and attitudes with increased diversity lead to more definitions of the cultural heritage. • Involvement in issues other than those on today’s agenda. Local issues may be global (”glocalisation”). Individual issues rather than party-politically based ones become more important. • Commitment to certain changes in historical environments may become stronger, while long-term commitments to the cultural heritage as a development resource decrease. • It becomes more difficult to recruit people in traditional forms of voluntary work; association-based cultural heritage work diminishes or assumes other forms (e.g. in networks, physical or virtual role-play). 57 9. Interest in environmental issues and climate change increases The interest and impact of politics, the media and environmental issues have changed dramatically in recent years in Sweden as well as in the EU and globally (including the USA), as have the consequences. Examples of information flow and work on climatic issues are the EU’s 2006 campaign “You Control Climate Change”, and the accompanying “Climate Change” website for information and impacting public opinion. In both Europe and other parts of the world work continues in accordance with the Kyoto Agreement. The Swedish and international media promote articles and debates on climatic and environmental issues. In the USA, interest in climate change and the development of alternative energy sources increased after Hurricane Katrina and as a result of higher oil prices and the fact that oil supplies are finite. For example, the federal state of California aims to be a world leader in limiting the emission of greenhouse gases. 59 The trend’s durability and possible counter-trends The trend is set to continue for the next 15 years and beyond, providing that climate change neither diminishes nor is scientifically refuted. Some parallel developments do impede the development of a sustainable society, however, and may even signify a lack of involvement and interest. For example, the consumption of oil and other fossil fuels increases (the industrial countries’ total emission of greenhouse gases increased by 1.4 percent in 2004) and industrialisation continues in the developing countries. In the USA interest in extracting liquid fuel from coal is strong, which means that many coal lobbyists are influencing the climatic debate. The trend’s driving forces The research community is united in saying that global warming is the most important driving force. Climate-related natural catastrophes, such as Hurricane Katrina, are events that lead to focus and debate in the media. Future catastrophe scenarios presented through debates, the media and entertainment (”The Day after Tomorrow, “The Inconvenient Truth”) lead to more interest in climate issues. The awareness that oil is a finite commodity increases interest in renewable sources of energy. 60 Consequences for the development of the cultural heritage field • Demands for alternative energy sources mean that the landscape is increasingly used for renewable energy production. The open landscape is planted with energy forests and existing woodlands becomes denser. Expansion of wind turbines leads to conflict of interests between historical environment- and natural environment values (e.g. areas of national interest and national parks) and environmental- and energy policies. • Increased attention and awareness of the long-term impact of climate change on nature- and historic environments (changed flora and fauna, flooding, increased degradation of material) results in improved research resources and readiness for protective measures. • The desire for a sustainable society increases. The historic environment field is increasingly regarded as part of “the sustainable field” and integrated in environmental work, which can either lead to the historic environment sector having a higher status and increased resources, or “drowning” in the nature- and environmental field and becoming marginalised. • What does interference in the landscape mean? The need for new “eco-morals” increases. • Demands for reduced energy consumption result in remedial measures in existing buildings. Inquiries for heritage knowledge and competence increase. 61 10. Changed public sector circumstances Demands for efficiency, accessibility and quality in the public sector increase on the part of the public and government authorities. The development is towards fewer but larger government agencies and a reduced number of civil servants. The 1,394 government agencies that existed in 1990 were reduced to 552 in 2005. Although this trend is set to continue, it is likely that resources for the public sector may become scarcer – when the population ages, fewer are expected to take care of more, and taxation revenue diminishes. 63 The trend’s durability and possible counter-trends Demands for the change and improved efficiency of public institutions will continue as a result of rapid societal and population changes. The public savings trend has been strong since the 1990s, although has diminished somewhat during the current boom. It does seem likely to continue and even accelerate, however, partly due to business cycles and cyclical demographic developments. At present public finances are good, with state budget and local authority surpluses (2005). Unemployment has diminished somewhat due to the current boom (August 2006). At present the birth rate in Sweden is relatively high and, together with increased migration, could affect the age pyramid. In certain public sector areas like education, the number of employees is increasing. The trend’s driving forces The economic crisis of the 1990s has, together with valuation changes (increased market orientation, see also trend 4), started to direct the development towards a smaller and more effective public sector. An overarching and predictable driving force is the Western world’s demographic development, with an increased number of elderly people, low birth rates in relation to mortality rates and life-phase changes where one starts to work and reproduce later in life. This results in an ageing population and lower taxation revenue. Structural changes in trade and industry lead to fewer new jobs being created (jobless growth), with what appears to be permanently high unemployment. In short, public finances in Sweden and large parts of the industrialised world will become subject to considerable stress. 64 Consequences for the development of the cultural heritage field • Increased focus on growth and increased market-orientation in social governance. • Cut-backs for government agencies and reduced public contributions; the cultural heritage field is reduced or privatised and results in new actors (see also trends 3 and 4). • Dependency on voluntary work increases in the historic environment field. • More actors (private, public and voluntary) provide a wider and multifaceted cultural heritage concept with new conservation ideologies. • Prioritisation of work becomes more important. • Demands increase for effective collaborations between public actors in cultural heritage work. Local authorities become more important. • Continued development towards fewer and larger agencies. 65 Consequences for the Cultural Heritage Field This chapter considers the consequences for the cultural heritage field that have been predicted as a result of the previous chapter’s ten trends. They are presented in six separate sections – arrived at as a result of all the consequences for each trend having been sorted, valued and prioritised. Both the consequences and the description of the state of affairs have resulted in the formulation of the challenges that are like to face the cultural heritage field up to the year 2015. 1. A diverse cultural heritage vision European collaborations, increased international cooperation and an extended labour market mean new actors in Sweden and Swedish actors in other countries. In the long-term, this can be expected to lead to new and wider perspectives of the cultural heritage and cultural heritage work. Sweden will change geographically with new regions assuming a different significance. Actors at the regional level will probably have new assignments. Sweden has more pronounced regional growth- and depopulated areas. Locally, boundaries between areas with high and low status become much more distinct. A heterogeneous society with an increased number of visible and differentiated cultures leads to new national affinities so that a homogeneous “Swedishness” is no longer relevant. Diversity gives greater variation in terms of social outlook, attitudes, values, cultural references and competences. A former unified valuesand norms system is changed and replaced by several different values- and norms systems that grow and are established in different groups and contexts. 66 In a society with many different references and influences, it is likely that demands for more representational and vital cultural heritage sector work will increase. The highlighting of different perspectives will lead to the cultural heritage being redefined and re-valued. A more heterogeneous and polarised society also results in redefined possibilities, where the cultural heritage can be used as a tool by different groups, depending on who is regarded as having preferential right of interpretation, and how this is defined. One possible use of the cultural heritage is as a power resource with different motives and aims, where the understanding of a single-valued cultural heritage could constitute an argument for a return to traditional “Swedish” values. Opportunities for the creation of regional, local and other identities could also increase in the light of such a development. 2. A landscape in transformation Structural transformations in society leads to more large-scale agricultural companies, the closing down of businesses, the depopulation of the countryside and calls for new livelihoods. Rather than producing food for people and animals, the landscape becomes a base for the production of experiences and renewable sources of energy, such as energy crops and wind power, thus changing the landscape and its historical environments. For example, the depopulation of certain parts of the country will result in problems relating to the management of historic environments. Migration means that the area is no longer actively used and valuable knowledge and skills disappear. It is important that the historic environment sector monitors such developments and how the cultural heritage is affected in the nature conservation, tourism and town planning sectors. 67 Towns and cities with suburbs expand to become widespread metropolitan and multi-nuclear areas. Radical town planning and extreme design make a greater impression on town- and cityscapes and public spaces. Energy conversions and the change-over to a sustainable society with reduced energy consumption impact the built cultural heritage. Such conversions can mean increased demands for insulation, the introduction of new materials and installations of new forms of heating. A changed climate will also have a long-term effect in the physical cultural heritage in the form of increased degradation and flooding, and changed flora and fauna. This will have considerable consequences for the conservation and preservation of the cultural heritage and result in challenges for the historic environment sector. There will also be calls for an improved knowledge base for historic environment work. New cultural heritage is created when landscapes are changed. New or intensified use also increase possibilities for the conservation and use of parts of the cultural heritage – or may mean that some cultural heritage disappears. The pace of change in the landscape is higher today than ever before, which means that more actors, together with the existing cultural heritage sector, will have to take joint responsibility for conservation and taking care of the cultural heritage. 3. A changed view of the cultural heritage as a resource New actors in the cultural heritage field have different driving forces, objectives, professional affinities and educational backgrounds, which mean that up to 2015 there will be new influences on cultural heritage work and the physical environment. New methods and ways of working will be developed, together will new visions of the cultural heritage as a resource for experience-based tourism and entertainments such as computer games and films. 68 An increased focus on the cultural heritage as a resource for societal growth (objects for the development of tourism or other entertainment industries) results in the cultural heritage becoming one more commercial product. There is a danger that environments will be increasingly tailored or “Disneyfied” in order to satisfy people’s demands for more exciting experiences. This also raises important questions about authenticity, the use of history and the effects of increased pressure on the historic environment. The active promotion of historic environments for a variety of experiences becomes more important. Narratives and histories also become important, both in content, how they accommodate new perspectives and how they are animated. The result of a developed commercial use of the cultural heritage may be overexploitation and idealisation, but could also mean that cultural authenticity is valued in a new way. Authenticity may become something quite unique and one of several alternatives in a widened and multifaceted cultural heritage work of the future. A richer flora of different kinds of information, amounts of knowledge and interpretations will increase the need for qualified support in terms of information gathering, quality guarantees and analyses (see also section 4, below). An increased commercial and voluntary-based sponsorship and finance-base could affect the cultural heritage sector in the future. An increase in the number of future interests could lead to a parallel governance of activities and the risk of sub-optimisation. This could in turn lead to a reduced overview and control on the part of the cultural heritage sector, although it could also lead to market adjustment and an emphasis on results and efficiency (see also section 6, below). 69 An increased use of historic environments, e.g. for experiences, also leads to increased wear and tear and can result in demands for new skills and a more active management where new and existing groups of cultural heritage actors assume more responsibilities. Increased privatisation and internationalisation, and the fact that more people identify possible livelihoods from the cultural heritage, also leads to new actors, such as private and international professional antiquarians, artisans, curators, architects, companies, experience-producers and sponsors. More private, semi-public and new actors, with new approaches, views and methods, can also be included in a significantly broader cultural heritage sector in the future. The publicly financed institutions of today’s cultural heritage field will probably have – or need – to develop new roles in relation to the numerous actors and their activities. In the long-term questions will also be raised as to whether publicly financed actors in the cultural heritage field will have to charge for their services. The question of setting boundaries when it comes to the physical and contentrelated wear and tear of the cultural heritage in relation to new uses is likely to arise. When authenticity becomes one of several future “alternatives”, new ways of working with the cultural heritage will be called for, particularly when it comes to valuations and choices. 70 4. A widened knowledge production In a future society different individuals and groups will probably claim their rights to express their views, at the same time as they themselves add to and control knowledge banks and databases, which mean that the circumstances of government agencies’ activities will change (see also section 6, below). Knowledge development in the cultural heritage field is increasingly taken care of by actors other than publicly financed ones. Users of the cultural heritage, such as Internet users and role-players, will be able to produce and control the content of websites and databases themselves. New possibilities for using the cultural heritage as a tool for identity creation are also created. In the future, historiography and research will be directed towards historic environments other than those defined by the historic environment sector. When more groups are involved in writing history, the cultural heritage sector will share the preferential right of interpretation with others – which will mean that the agency’s role in cultural heritage work will need to be redeveloped and refined. A broadened history production not only leads to a widened cultural heritage use, but also to a multifaceted cultural heritage concept, where a variety of conservation ideologies exist side by side. Accessibility to the cultural heritage will increase dramatically in terms of its importance, physical access and an improved understanding that cultural heritage should be vital for everyone. 71 5. An increased need for quality guaranteed knowledge A developed and globalised future information society means an overabundance of information. The increased demand for easily accessible and quality guaranteed information makes it important for government agencies to have a strong brand (see also section 6, below). This also places demands on the agencies’ ability to communicate with others and supply the sought-after information. New technologies, including GIS and the Internet, open up new ways of accessing and spreading knowledge about the cultural heritage. More people are, or profess to be, taking part in the collection and publication of information and the acquisition of new knowledge about the cultural heritage and historic environment. Administrators, property and land owners and the building and tourist industries all supply new knowledge about the cultural heritage. The call for “correct” information also increases, i.e. information and knowledge that is individual- or organisation related. Increased computer access and more sophisticated documentation and analysis techniques do not automatically mean increased knowledge although they do change the situation in terms of research. They also provide new possibilities for analysis and compilation in cultural heritage work. In a high technological, borderless and experience-based society, the demand for visualisations and other interpretations of the cultural heritage and historic environment also appear to increase. Digital configurations can result in virtual visits replacing physical ones. In an increasingly digitalised future society, the authenticity of an experience of an historic environment in situ, or personal service and IRL-encounters (In Real Life) will be valued more highly. 72 6. New demands on government agencies An increased internationalisation and more actors in a more heterogeneous society will mean that government agency oversight will become increasingly difficult. New collaborations and forms of cooperation, across old borders and with new actors, will become all the more common, e.g. in the form of different kinds of networks. Regionalisation, with different management responsibility divisions, could lead to increased clarity for both citizens and between government agencies in questions of which actors govern and who has responsibility for what. At the same time, the resulting diversity could make it difficult to oversee certain activities. The market’s need for control, through certification and standards, may also increase. This places new demands on flexibility and a clear drawing of boundaries between different actors’ roles and responsibilities. A society that is increasingly driven by individually based and interactive involvement results in changes in government agency and the public sector circumstances. Points of view are expressed through blogs, chats, actions, and in alternative forms and arenas. An increasing number of lobby groups try to influence the agencies’ work and activities. More interest groups claim an involvement, which can also lead to new situations for the cultural heritage sector. The government agencies’ situations will change in the future with and through citizens’ demands for accessibility, transparency and efficiency. This in turn affects the formation of government policies and administration. An impaired national and international overview affects the possibilities for the agencies to collaborate and govern, and can also lead to increased variation in the management of historic environments in different regions (see also point 4, above). 73 At the same time as public and governmental demands on the government agencies increase, the resources available to the public sector will become scarcer in terms of fewer workers and a reduction in taxation revenue. This development could result in agencies being closed down or amalgamated and new agencies arising. It could also result in attitudes towards and confidence in the traditional social system and its institutions diminishing. It will thus become all the more important that assignments, responsibility divisions and agencies’ roles are clear and that the work is prioritised. 74 Cultural Policy Challenges in the Cultural Heritage Field People create, use and interpret history and cultural heritage. In the main it is people’s approaches and actions that determine how the cultural heritage and historic environment are safeguarded and how history is used. From the perspective of our age and our living conditions, the cultural heritage has the potential to contribute to attractive living environments, economic livelihoods and competitive advantages. The cultural heritage is multifaceted, and the use of history and cultural heritage is varied, versatile and full of contradictions. The cultural heritage sector’s work should thus be carried out in a way that renders the cultural heritage vital, accessible and meaningful for everyone. The work should create space for a diversity of narratives and represent all citizens. It should make use of and give expression to people’s own strengths and initiatives to use the cultural heritage and historic environment in a flexible and sustainable way. This visionary development of the cultural heritage sector, where people are central to cultural heritage work, has, for example, found expression in the work with Operation Heritage. This ESR describes a future prognosis. In order for the cultural heritage field to successfully meet the challenges, it is NHB’s judgement that the following challenges must be addressed by the Government in their cultural policy. 75 1. Increase the readiness to manage landscapes in transformation The cultural heritage’s management conditions and requirements are interlinked with societal development as a whole, which means that most of the questions that are of significance for the cultural heritage’s protection and development are outside the direct influence of the cultural heritage sector. But if the landscape is to continue its narrations on history and contribute to a rich living environment, at the same time as it undergoes a more rapid change and development, the different collaborating actors need to take a wider responsibility. Both professional and other actors need access to methods and tools that will enable them to take responsibility for the conservation and valuation of the cultural heritage and historic environment. The need for knowledge about how and why the landscape is changing also increases. The challenge means: • Supporting the development of methods and tools for a long-term sustainable conservation of historic environments. These should take their departure in a holistic view of the landscape that presupposes that change can be managed and that public welfare, in its widest sense, is in focus. • Support for better culturally historic consequence prognoses and analyses, communication and discussion. The consequences of exploitation, urbanisation, structural change and energy conversion on the landscape, in towns, cities and rural areas, need to be better analysed. The effects of the transformation of the landscape on society as a whole need to be discussed and highlighted in an effective way. 76 • Supporting the development and spread of knowledge about how a changed climate and other environmental factors impact living environments and the cultural heritage, as well as methods and strategies that increase the readiness to manage such developments. 2. Strengthen humanistic and historical perspectives Knowledge about the cultural heritage and historic environment is vital. For example, what does the cultural heritage say about people, society and our age, how is it used and what does it mean to people? Future cultural heritage work demands new and broader knowledge and skills. An increasing number of people, e.g. in the media and experience industry, the building sector, craftwork, property management, associations and networks of different kinds, work with the cultural heritage both professionally and voluntarily. Increased interest and changed conditions place new demands on public historical environment work. New and different knowledge about the cultural heritage must be developed. New skills are also necessary in order to administer this knowledge so that it can be quality guaranteed and made available and meaningful for the general public and professionals alike. The Government’s strategy for sustainable development must be integrated into all the policy fields. The historic environment field has increasingly been integrated into environmental work and the large “environmental family”. This development has also made it obvious that humanist and historical perspectives must be strengthened. Providing humanist and historical perspectives on societal development is one of the historical environment field’s most important contributions to a long-term sustainable society. These perspectives must be given an opportunity to make an impact on joint practical work. 77 The challenge means: • Strengthening and internationalising humanist education and research in order to secure the provision of new and broader knowledge and competence for the development of a more offensive cultural heritage work. • A greater degree of integration of humanist and historical knowledge in technical and natural scientific education and research. • Giving humanist and historical perspectives similar opportunities as other perspectives, such as natural- or social science perspectives, to make an impact on environmental work and the change-over to a sustainable development. • Providing individuals, associations, networks, companies and other organisations with increased possibilities to take responsibility for the conservation, use and protection of the cultural heritage. 78 3. Formulate modern assignments for the cultural heritage sector The need for modern assignments for the cultural heritage sector is greater than ever before. The work must be such that it harmonises with the new cultural heritage vision currently being developed, as well as with new cross-sectoral and international commitments. Joint resources in the cultural heritage field also need to be used more efficiently. Relations to and collaboration with other policy areas also need to be made clearer. The challenge means: • Designing work for the individual public actors within the cultural heritage field so that they collaboratively support a developed, offensive cultural heritage work that meets the goals set for the historic environment field. These assignments should support the work for the long-term protection of the historic environment and take their departure in the significance of the cultural heritage for an increased understanding and perspective of people, society and our age. Renewed assignments for the cultural heritage sector should also facilitate the historic environment sector’s cooperation with actors in different policy fields. • Making more efficient use of resources in the cultural heritage field by ensuring that assignments and responsibilities in the historic environment sector are more clearly related to the set goals. • Developing instruments of governance and other tools so that the new cultural heritage vision can have an impact on societal development and be implemented in everyday historic environment work. 79 List of References General References Literature, reports and articles ”Ansvarsfördelningen inom kulturmiljöarbetet”. Skrivelse till regeringen 2006-02-07, RAÄ, Kulturrådet, länsstyrelserna och länsmuseerna. Det dynamiska kulturarvet. Omvärldsanalys för kulturmiljöområdet 2002. RAÄ 2002. Furustig, Hans, Sjöstedt, Gunnar, Strategisk omvärldsanalys. Studentlitteratur 2000. Hamrefors, Sven, Den uppmärksamma organisationen. Från Business Intelligence till Intelligent Business. Studentlitteratur 2002. Hur långt är ett snöre? En bok om människor, kommunen och framtiden. Kommunförbundets omvärldsanalys 2002. Kulturarv ger livskraft. Hållbar utveckling ur humanistiskt och historiskt perspektiv. Fördjupad omvärldsanalys för kulturmiljöområdet 2005. RAÄ 2005. Kulturarv i tiden – angeläget, tillgängligt och användbart. Vision och strategi 2004-2006. RAÄ 2004. Kulturarv är mångfald. Fördjupad omvärldsanalys för kulturmiljöområdet 2004. RAÄ 2004. Omvärldsanalys 2006. Länsstyrelsen i Skåne län. People and Connections. Global Scenarios to 2020, Shell International 2002; Hur vill vi ha framtiden då? En bok om Region Skånes scenarioarbete ”En befolkning i förändring”. Region Skåne 2005. Regionala museer och nationell kulturpolitik. Mål, medel och framtid. Rapport från Statens kulturråd 2001:2. Stockholm. Riksantikvarieämbetets miljömålstrategi. Återrapportering enligt 2005 års regleringsbrev. 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